Summer School on Julia in Quantum Information Science

The NSF Center for Quantum Networks and Unitary Fund are sponsoring a summer school on Classical Numerical Methods in Quantum Information Science, taking place in Boston (August 12th-18th). Majority of the content will be in Julia

The school will cover best practices in software engineering, as well as the fundamentals of high-performance modeling techniques including state vector master equations, tensor networks, and the stabilizer formalism and its generalizations – crucial tools in modeling quantum hardware and error correction. Multiple hackathons will be executed where instructors will be able to help you with your own research projects. The Unitary Fund will run a workshop on near term error mitigation techniques during the school.

The registration fee for the school is 390$ and it includes both the lectures and lodging accommodations. Meals are not included in the fee, but the award-winning dining hall of UMass Amherst will be available to attendees. The school will take place at the Mt Ida campus of UMass Amherst, on the outskirts of Boston.

To register for the school and to see more details about it, please go to

We will keep this year’s class quite small: only 30 people, to ensure higher quality interactions between students and instructors.

The school is aimed at graduate and professional level researchers in QIS, however we have a few spots reserved for particularly talented undergraduates (free registration and travel grants will be available to undergraduates).