Bonito slider emit event if mousedrag stops

Hi there,

I want something like this:

using Bonito
using WGLMakie
import Bonito.TailwindDashboard as D

app = App() do session::Session
	sliders = [Bonito.Slider(-1:.1:1, value=0.0) for i = 1:6]
	vals = map!(Observable{Any}(), map(x->x.value, sliders)...) do x...
		return [x...]
	f = Figure(size=(1000,200))
	ax = Axis(f[1,1])
	scatter!(ax, 1:6, vals) 
    sliderdiv(slider) = DOM.div(slider, "value: ", slider.value)
	flexrow = D.FlexCol(map(sliderdiv,sliders))
	return DOM.div(flexrow, f)

Due to a heavy plotting routine, the plot should only be updated after I release a slider. Is that possible with Bonito?

I appreciate any help you can provide.
Greetz max