I am using a supercomputer with 80 cores that is running Scientific Linux. If I start Julia in multithreaded mode with 17 or fewer threads and run the following code, everything works fine. However, if I use 18 or more threads, I get segfault errors from BLAS. Interestingly, everything works fine if b is a vector, or if one of a or b is a sparse matrix. Is this an error with BLAS, or am I doing something wrong?
a = rand(10, 10); b = rand(10, 8); c = zeros(1000);
Threads.@threads for i = 1:1000
c[i] = sum(a*b);
OP: consider posting the actual log, when you’re reporting a crash.
@jameson, @tkelman: more people are going to run into this as larger core counts become more common (or more people who have access to larger core counts start to use Julia).