BLAS performance testing for Julia 1.8

OpenBLAS had two threading related defaults that we used to set until recently, both of which are now relaxed, since openblas has improved on both these fronts:

  1. We used to build openblas with 32 max threads (at some point this used to have a huge memory footprint)
  2. Julia would limit itself to no more than 8 openblas threads (this was to reduce julia startup latency due to openblas init stuff)

For example, if you had a 64 core box, you could set OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS to get past the 8 thread startup default, but would still run into the 32 max thread compile time setting. The only solution was to build from source or replace your openblas binaries with the OpenBLASHighCoreCount binaries (if you knew about them and how to find them).

As of the latest master, we now have changed these defaults to:

  1. Build with 4096 max threads
  2. Let OpenBLAS detect the number of threads on startup, which is usually Sys.CPU_THREADS

With Julia master on a 20 core box (40 hyperthreads), peakflops(10000) now gives me 4e11 on Julia 1.8 master, vs. 1.6e11 on Julia 1.6. This is out of the box performance with no defaults being tweaked. Hereā€™s how you can check the default number of threads OpenBLAS starts with:

   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.8.0-DEV.697 (2021-10-10)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit 9a2e763269 (0 days old master)
|__/                   |

julia> Sys.CPU_THREADS
julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> BLAS.get_num_threads()

It would be great if people can try this out and file issues if they run into memory or startup latency issues. Also do share your experience with this change in this thread - I am sure weā€™ll find some performance regressions and such.





On my 14 core desktop, I get comparable performance with 8 and 28 threads, both roughly half what I get from 14.
Iā€™ll rerun to make sure itā€™s not an issue where peakflops is measuring compile time, but I donā€™t believe it is.

The peakflops default is too small and probably should be bumped up. Make sure to do peakflops(10000).

We really need to only use as many threads as the hardware has. Without Hwloc, is there a way to detect physical cores?

The issues are flowing in. This one will get addressed soon.

OpenBLAS actually provides multi-threaded versions of some LAPACK functions, and it would be nice to just have native Julia versions - since there arenā€™t many of them.

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peakflops(10000) gives me 1.94e11 on Julia 1.6.2 and 4.44e11 on

Version 1.8.0-DEV.702 (2021-10-11)
Commit bc89d8365d (0 days old master)

This is on a Ryzen 5950X machine. 16 cores and 32 threads. BLAS picks 32 threads in the latest build.

I recommend calling peakflops multiple times instead of using a larger size which takes a lot more memory and awful lot more time just to give a worse peak flops:

julia> @time maximum(peakflops() for _ in 1:10)
  1.283524 seconds (43.27 k allocations: 614.688 MiB, 4.74% gc time, 1.99% compilation time)

julia> @time maximum(peakflops(10_000) for _ in 1:10)
206.243965 seconds (415.71 k allocations: 14.926 GiB, 0.62% gc time, 0.03% compilation time)

I get higher results from larger values.

Are you on a laptop thatā€™s overheating as a thus throttling?

I use 16_000, add this is where I see the best results.

julia> using LinearAlgebra

julia> @time maximum(peakflops() for _ in 1:10)
  0.752822 seconds (3.66 M allocations: 801.841 MiB, 7.95% gc time, 76.95% compilation time)

julia> @time maximum(peakflops(10_000) for _ in 1:10)
 11.147155 seconds (615.83 k allocations: 14.936 GiB, 1.96% gc time, 0.54% compilation time)

julia> @time peakflops(16_000)
  4.226806 seconds (11 allocations: 3.815 GiB, 0.38% gc time)

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.8.0-DEV.660
Commit 153db7a7a8* (2021-10-05 16:17 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-generic-linux)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10980XE CPU @ 3.00GHz

Only takes a single run for 16_000 to win. It consistently gets over 2e12.

This is with an 18 core CPU that has AVX512.

@tbeason what do you get if you set BLAS.set_num_threads(16)? The 10980XE should be close to 2x faster, not over 4x faster, than the 5950X.

julia> estimate_peak(; GHz = 4, ncores = (Sys.CPU_THREADS)::Int Ć· 2, fma_per_cycle=2, vector_width=8) = GHz*ncores*fma_per_cycle*2*vector_width # 2 = ops per fma
estimate_peak (generic function with 1 method)

julia> estimate_peak() # *1e9 = 2.3e12 estimated peak for a 10980XE clocked at 4GHz

julia> estimate_peak(ncores=16, vector_width=4) # *1e9, so 1e12 estimated peak

(*1e9 comes from GHz = 1e9Hz)
Meaning you should probably be able to get close to 1e12 instead of < 5e11.

Forcing BLAS to use 16 threads puts the results more in the 4e11 range instead of 4.4e11. Using 16000 instead of 10000 peakflops does result in a slight increase but still far short of 1e12

Iā€™m curious, how about 8 threads?
Wondering if only a single core complex can get comparable performance.

Also, if youā€™re willing to try Octavian (with a 7980XE):

julia> using Octavian

julia> M = K = N = 10_000; T = Float64; A = rand(T,M,K); B = rand(T,K,N); C0 = Array{T}(undef, M, N);

julia> C1 = @time(A*B);
  1.659304 seconds (45 allocations: 762.942 MiB, 2.00% gc time, 0.51% compilation time)

julia> @time(matmul!(C0,A,B)) ā‰ˆ C1
 24.181371 seconds (38.73 M allocations: 2.312 GiB, 1.41% gc time, 94.53% compilation time)

julia> @time(matmul!(C0,A,B)) ā‰ˆ C1
  1.240348 seconds

julia> 2M*K*N / 1.240348

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(matmul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(matmul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(matmul!(C0,A,B))

julia> BLAS.set_num_threads(36)

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> BLAS.set_num_threads(18)

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> BLAS.set_num_threads(8)

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.8.0-DEV.709
Commit 1389c2fc4a* (2021-10-12 16:34 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7980XE CPU @ 2.60GHz

Octavian got competitive performance with OpenBLAS here; Iā€™m curious if itā€™s able to do any better or also stumbles.

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A side comment / feature request :grinning:: We have JULIA_EXCLUSIVE=1 for compact pinning of Julia threads (i.e. pin 1:N Julia threads to the first 1:N cores). If we had more information about the system (Sockets / NUMA domains), we could also offer a ā€œscattered pinningā€, where Julia threads are pinned to cores from both sockets in an alternating fashion. This can have a big influence on performance (MFlops/s), see e.g. GitHub - JuliaPerf/BandwidthBenchmark.jl: Measuring memory bandwidth using TheBandwidthBenchmark (Also check it out if you just like unicode plots :smiley:).

But let me stop derailing this thread :slight_smile:


It would be important to the BLAS library to be aware of the type of pinning, if possible.
Youā€™d want to divide N among separate L3 caches, and have all cores that share L3 iterate over their N block together.

Octavian is currently very conservative because it assumes no thread pinning, meaning itā€™d underperform on systems with split L3, like the 5950X.
Iā€™m wondering just how badly it underperforms. OpenBLAS seems really bad on the 5950X as well.

Another thing to try on the 5950X is using MKL. Wondering if that does better.


Here you go.

julia> Threads.nthreads()

julia> using Octavian

julia> M = K = N = 10_000; T = Float64; A = rand(T,M,K); B = rand(T,K,N); C0 = Array{T}(undef, M, N);

julia> C1 = @time(A*B);
  4.784390 seconds (2.42 M allocations: 883.761 MiB, 0.19% gc time, 7.76% compilation time)

julia> @time(matmul!(C0,A,B)) ā‰ˆ C1
 14.185721 seconds (28.96 M allocations: 1.500 GiB, 0.80% gc time, 68.90% compilation time)

julia> @time(matmul!(C0,A,B)) ā‰ˆ C1
  4.304452 seconds

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(matmul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(matmul!(C0,A,B))

julia> using LinearAlgebra

julia> BLAS.get_num_threads()

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> BLAS.set_num_threads(16)

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> BLAS.set_num_threads(8)

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> 2M*K*N / @elapsed(mul!(C0,A,B))

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.8.0-DEV.702
Commit bc89d8365d (2021-10-11 05:42 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
  CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-12.0.1 (ORCJIT, znver3)

Thanks! I wonder if this is a Windows problem, e.g. maybe itā€™s restricting the process to a single 8 core complex, regardless of number of threads. Can you use a system monitor to watch core use?

The fact that you get the same performance out of 8 cores as you do out of 16 seems to imply that.

Anyone on Linux with a 5950X?

FWIW, HPC clusters and cloud environments likely already set the process affinity compatible with the underlying hardware and your resource request. IMHO, this is a more important limit we need to respect. Luckily, it seems OpenBLAS already respects the process affinity (

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I thought we disable CPU affinity in general. Maybe it gets respected if set at the OS level?

Maybe you are referring to ? Itā€™s a different issue. I was commenting that OpenBLAS is respecting the user-specified affinity to restrict the number of threads it uses. So, itā€™s different from #9639 which fixed the problem that julia didnā€™t respect the user-specified affinity and even was overwriting it.

Hi, thanks so much for making it happen. Can I ask if the number of max threads been decreased from 4096 to 1024? It seems to look so:

julia -p 128


OpenBLAS blas_thread_init: pthread_create failed for thread 127 of 128: Resource temporarily unavailable
OpenBLAS blas_thread_init: RLIMIT_NPROC 1024 current, 1024 max
ERROR: TaskFailedException

I am on Julia Version 1.8.0-DEV.829 (2021-10-27), Commit d71b77d7b6 (6 days old master). I will try the latest version shortly - I cannot do it now, thus the question.

Edit 1:
It seems that the similar situation is with julia -p 64.

Edit 2:
I managed to upgrade. Similar situation is on Version 1.8.0-DEV.875 (2021-11-02) Commit 7eba9c1d76 (0 days old master).

Edit 3:
I investigated the topic slightly further. When trying julia -p 128 or julia -p 64 I was getting the readings as presented above. As for now I understand that OpenBLAS spawns a thread count equal to the number of available logical processors by default, which is higher than RLIMIT_NPROC set by default on my machine. I understand that one can:

  • explicitly set the number of OpenBLAS threads by using: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 or i.e. start julia with OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 julia -p 64.
  • implicitly change this number per user (on ubuntu) in /etc/security/limits.conf and/or system wide potentially in /etc/sysctl.conf.

Iā€™m pretty sure we are going to go with 512 threads on openblas, because of this:

If you are doing multi-threaded Julia, you probably want openblas to use only 1 thread. We do this in Distributed, but not in multi-threading.



Iā€™m pretty sure we are going to go with 512 threads on openblas [ā€¦]

Hi! Sounds cool. Thanks!

If you are doing multi-threaded Julia, you probably want openblas to use only 1 thread. We do this in Distributed, but not in multi-threading.

Would you have any suggestion regarding Julia and BLAS setup for AlphaZero.jl run only on CPU machine? Why I am asking about it is that I have tried to consult it with several very knowledgeable persons and it seems that there are still some areas to be explored in this field thus I decided to mention this topic to you with a hope that maybe you could provide any suggestion.

The case is that if setup is CPU only machine with multiprocessing with one BLAS thread, I think that currently AlphaZero.jl is performing the first out of four parts of one iteration of the training on about 60 physical ice-lake cores in similar timing to calculations done on high end GPU (V100) which IMO is remarkable (and should be potentially even more remarkable with the next generation of x86 CPUs). However, if such setup, the next three parts are run only on one core, thus the overall timing for the iteration is rather long. Do you maybe think that it could be possible to somehow improve it with the proper Julia / BLAS setup? I am not a professional coder, however, I tried to provide as detailed info on my experience with AlphaZero.jl as possible in this thread: Questions on parallelization Ā· Issue #71 Ā· jonathan-laurent/AlphaZero.jl Ā· GitHub.

Also heaving the opportunity and as this is partially a thread about next Julia release, do you plan to fully support AVX512 (AFAIK, it is not currently fully supported - however I am not sure about it) in the future and if I may ask what is your position with regard to Julia emitting ā€œcompetitive SVE codeā€ on Neoverse N1 / A64FX (AFAIK, there are currently some constraints) so libraries like Octavian.jl could shine on those platforms?