Sorry if this is redundant with previous questions. I have written a project in Julia and would like people who interact minimally with computers to be able to use it without feeling intimidated. juliac would be great for this purpose but it is not fully operational yet (there are certain packages that my project requires that cause segfaults and other juliac-related errors). What is the next-best option? I previously tried to create a single executable with PackageCompiler but it was way too large to be shared. Thanks!
This says “Web GUI” to me. Are these users savvy enough to use a web browser? Much software is deployed through the web obviating installation issues such as:
Can you build and host a web service built with Julia web frameworks like Genie, Stipple, Oxygen, etc.?
Interesting idea, I had not considered that. To be honest, I have no experience with web development but I will look into it. The project I have written is pretty simple – it just consists of a GUI (written using Gtk4 – I guess I would just port this over to some web-based GUI package) that prompts the user to specify some paths to image data and some constants (which can be modified after testing their effects on the analysis of some sample image data), and then another script analyzes the image data accordingly. Does that seem like it could feasibly be done with a web GUI? In particular, I am slightly concerned about image I/O, but maybe that is a non-problem.
I would say either Genie dashboard or Pluto notebook
GivEmXL.jl is something I made for pretty much that kind of use case.
The end user have to install Julia on their computer, which was no problem with juliaup - no admin privileges necessary. Then, there is a CLI interface, plus you can point to files with a file dialog, plus you can use Excel file for providing parameters (also in a loop, for iterative processing), plus results can be saved as an Excel file, too.
How large is the PackageCompiler output? I feel the size isn’ t so unacceptable on modern hardware for non-programmers. I’ d just compress that and send to them.
AppBundler.jl may be the best option if you’re ok with it. For compiling, not sharing source code, you know of the best option, and there’s also upcoming juliac
(and also some proprietary compilers).