I’m pleased to announce our annual workshop this year. The workshop lasts one day on 24th, August in Microsoft building, Zhonguancun, Beijing from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm.
JuliaCN is a community driven i18n organization for Julia in Chinese. We maintain current largest localization project in Julia in Chinese language: GitHub - JuliaCN/JuliaZH.jl: Julia语言中文文档 and Julia’s Chinese discourse.
We will announce the Chinese localization prize for outstanding contributors on the Chinese documentation project this year.
Current Contents & Speakers (updating)
current content of the workshop (default language is Chinese):
- @ChrisRackauckas Mixing GPUs, Neural Networks, and Differential Equations with DifferentialEquations.jl (online, English)
- @1115 Differentiable Quantum Programming
- @findmyway Playing Hanabi with Julia
- @thautwarm functional programming: design and application with MLStyle.jl
- @JohnnyChen94 Images.jl (GSoC2019)
- 夏恋花火:soccer robot simulation platform in Julia
- @MikeInnes Differential Programming with Zygote.jl (online, TBD, English)
We currently do not have any funding for non-speakers, If you happen to be in Beijing at that time, please click the following link to register for further updates:
We thank Microsoft for providing the facility for this workshop and swarma.org for providing online streaming services.
I will also give a lightning talk about JuliaCN during JuliaCon2019, Baltimore, please feel free to chat with me about this localization effort during JuliaCon2019.