Could you at least add notifications that things are being recompiled/installed? I’m a first time user of Julia. (got v0.6.2.2 Pro with Juno etc). Even after the initial 1+ minute waits for anything to happen. “using Gadfly” takes 9 seconds. Every time the REPL is restarted. Is it recompiled from scratch every time?
You may give a try to Gnuplot.jl, which I developed exactly for quick data exploration. It uses gnuplot as backend (which must be installed separately) and allows to exploit all its 2D/3D functionalities.
E.g., to plot an animated spiral:
@time using Gnuplot
t = 0.:0.1:100
for a in 30:360
@time @gsp verb=0 "set view $a, $a" sqrt.(t).*cos.(t) sqrt.(t).*sin.(t) -t "w l"
Loading the package takes 1.2 seconds on my laptop, the first plot takes 3.6 seconds, and the remaining plots ~0.02 seconds each (1000 points are being drawn each time). For my purposes (I’m an astronomer) is more than enough and I can live with it until a complete and quickly reactive plotting package for Julia will be available.