I have an application where the package I am using requires the user to provide a function phi
with calling statement like phi(a::Real)=...
. I would like to pass additional function arguments args
to phi
. The way I have taken to get around this is to create an anonymous function a->myphi(a,args)
that behaves as phi
(in particular, the line involving the call to “linesearch
” in the code below). The function phi
gets called in an inner-loop in my program, so args
is frequently changing, and I have to allocate for a new function a->myphi(a,args)
each time. Is there a better alternative to recreating the anonymous function each time?
This question is a slight modification of an issue I raised, since perhaps there is a more general answer to this.
Here is the example. It modifies some code provided by the LineSearches.jl package.
using LinearAlgebra: norm, dot
mutable struct myargs
v :: Float64
i :: Int64
function gdoptimize(f, g!, fg!, x0::AbstractArray{T}, linesearch,
maxiter::Int = 10000,
g_rtol::T = sqrt(eps(T)), g_atol::T = eps(T)) where T <: Number
x = copy(x0)
gvec = similar(x)
args = myargs(0.0, 0)
g!(gvec, x, args)
fx = f(x, args)
gnorm = norm(gvec)
gtol = max(g_rtol*gnorm, g_atol)
# Univariate line search functions
ϕ(α, args) = f(x .+ α.*s, args)
function dϕ(α, args)
g!(gvec, x .+ α.*s, args)
return dot(gvec, s)
function ϕdϕ(α, args)
phi = fg!(gvec, x .+ α.*s, args)
dphi = dot(gvec, s)
return (phi, dphi)
s = similar(gvec) # Step direction
iter = 0
while iter < maxiter && gnorm > gtol
iter += 1
args.i = iter
s .= -gvec
dϕ_0 = dot(s, gvec)
α, fx = linesearch(a -> ϕ(a, args), a -> dϕ(a, args), a -> ϕdϕ(a, args), 1.0, fx, dϕ_0)
@. x = x + α*s
g!(gvec, x, args)
gnorm = norm(gvec)
return (fx, x, iter)
f(x, args) = begin
println("f: args.i = $(args.i)")
(1.0 - x[1])^2 + 100.0 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 + args.v
function g!(gvec, x, args)
println("g!: args.i = $(args.i)")
gvec[1] = -2.0 * (1.0 - x[1]) - 400.0 * (x[2] - x[1]^2) * x[1]
gvec[2] = 200.0 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)
function fg!(gvec, x, args)
println("fg!: args.i = $(args.i)")
g!(gvec, x, args)
f(x, args)
x0 = [-1., 1.0]
using LineSearches
ls = BackTracking(order=3)
fx_bt3, x_bt3, iter_bt3 = gdoptimize(f, g!, fg!, x0, ls)
ls = StrongWolfe()
fx_sw, x_sw, iter_sw = gdoptimize(f, g!, fg!, x0, ls)