Available libraries and how to install them?

Where in the docs does it explain how to find, download and install libraries/packages?


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So, no command or api to query what is available; nor even what is already installed?

What is installed: ] status
What is the information that you would like to have as “what is available”?


All that gives me is::Status C:\Users\ms20b.julia\environments\v1.6\Project.toml (empty project)
but when julia was first started, it said something like:" Wait while we download some files. This may take time" (Sorry for the inexactitude of my memory:)

So the status command didn’t give me any confidence that it was telling me everything that was currently installed?

With regard to what I would like. A list of (semi-)officially vetted/supported packages (with brief descriptions) that are available would be good. Perhaps also an indication of updated versions of currently installed stuff would be nice.

I’ve seen that there is a pkg.update command; but does that update everything? Do I have control over what gets updated?

Mostly what I would like is clarity. For example, pkg.status command help talks about “the environment”. Some commands talk about “the manifest”; some “the project or manifest” and then there are the “registry” commands. Also mentioned are “projects” and “repo”.

To my mind, the documentation on this subject should not be buried all the way down inside an almost anonymous (Pkg! What’s that?) section of the standard library.

There should be a section in Getting Started that explains the difference between ‘project’, ‘manifest’, ‘registry’ & ‘environment’ (and ‘package’ & ‘repo’).

A breif explanation of how to find/download/install a package or two.

And it should point to somewhere where known/approved/supported packages live.

I want to be able to plot a few parametric functions, but a month in I don’t know how.

About one of your points: as far as I know, there is not a list of “curated” or “approved” packages. The JuliaPro install has something like that but I would not advice you to use it.

Seems weird that Julia downloaded things, that doesn’t sound correct. Maybe you are referring to the registry update. That happens when Julia fetches the package names and versions from the General Registry, where packages live. I am not aware of an API to query all the registered packages.

It also doesn’t sound good that you cannot plot a parametric function after a month. If you would like to open another thread asking for help, people will be happy to let you know how. As a starter, the second result on a web search for “Plotting in Julia Language” gives me the tutorial for the Plots.jl package.


If you would like to see available packages, you can search for those in the General registry here:

“General registry”?

And how does the JuliaHub package list compare/contrast/compliment/replicate the JuliaObserver package list linked above?

Pkg.jl has docs here, they will answer all your questions. I agree that it’s odd the “getting started” section in the Julia docs doesn’t show you how to download a package. Perhaps this can be improved in the future.

But please do read the documentation listed. There is a lot of terminology but it will make sense eventually.


They both query the General registry as far as I know. JuliaHub.com is owned by Julia Computing. I believe Julia Observer is third party and mainly coded by @djsegal .

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I don’t know what JuliaPro is – I can guess from the name its a paid version – but I’m intrigued why if a curated list exists you recommend me to not use it?

I was mistaken. To confirm (or not) my vague memory, I just uninstalled/reinstalled and (this time :astonished: ) it went straight to the julia prompt when I started the REPL. I did also install SageMath recently, so maybe that was what went off installing a load of stuff the first time it ran.

Mostly, I knew I need to install something to be able to plot stuff, but the lack of documentation on how to do that meant I looked for another way. SageMath made this very easy via it Jupyter hook up which came preinstalled and worked out of the box. Note:This is not advocacy for (or against) either environment; just my experience so far.

Having met my initial reason for wanting to create some plots; I’m back to Julia – which as a programmer I think is where I would prefer to be – and this thread is the result. As a programming language, I like julia a lot. As a – what words to use – MTALAB sustitute, its a less ‘easy in’ than sage, but I back looking…

I know Julia can do Jupyter – but you have to install a package (or 3 dozen?) and I could work out how to…

Yes. I just typed: ]add Example and thats the ouput I remember.

I’m not put off by terminology – retired professional programmer 40+yrs – but I am put off by the use of terminology without explanation nor obvious route to finding same.

As far as that is concerned, Plots is the most common package. But you have other nice alternatives:

The packages can be installed with

] add Plots

using Plots

for example. And to use them you should refer to it’s own documentation. Some help can be obtained typing, for example,

? plot

9 posts were split to a new topic: Difficulties with parametric plots

Using the JuliaPro registry does not mix well with General — it is updated less often, some packages will be held back to older versions.

There is no real “curated” list; given the breadth of fields covered by Julia packages, that would be an impossible task. That said, Github stars, documentation, and recent repo activity are good signals to use for selecting packages.

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Although JuliaObserver still works, @djsegal actually deprecated it in favor of JuliaPackages:

I’d rather say that JuliaHub is a service provided by Julia Computing, in which the possibility of exploring packages is only one of its components, whereas Julia Packages is an open-source resource specifically made for that by the community.


It’s easy enough to split threads, no worries about that.

On the JuliaProRegistry, note that we no longer use it within JuliaPro because it had indeed been a headache. Julia Computing does still have a list of “curated” packages, but all that means is that they are the packages we’re in a good place to provide commercial support for them should a client require it. We need to move that list to a new page separate from JuliaPro.


Do note that JuliaPackages does seem fairly outdated at this point (last updated around 10 month ago), unfortunately.

The prodigal son returns. JuliaPackages.com is now updated through yesterday