Automatic differentiation + mulit-threading?

Hello – Is it possible to use automatic differentiation (specifically in Optim,jl) with multi-threading? I’m getting type conflicts with race-safe Atomic type in my main objective functions (a likelihood) not being compatible with the ForwardDiff.Dual type needed for autodiff.

Here is sample code of the objective function:

function ll_nlog2_k2_mtr(b, choicearray, ttarray, ddarray, ffarray, hvec, wtvec)

    n = size(choicearray)[1]

    kap = b[1:2]
    lam = exp.(b[3:9])
    lam_noveh = vcat(1.0, lam[2:7])
    bshift = 9
    mu = b[bshift+1:bshift+16]

    T = promote_type(eltype(b))
    #ll = zero(T)
    ll = Atomic{T}(0) 

    @threads for i in 1:n
        if hvec[i] == 1
            pr = ill_nlog2_veh_k2(kap, lam, mu, ttarray[i, :], ddarray[i, :], ffarray[i, :], choicearray[i, 1], choicearray[i, 2], choicearray[i, 3])
        elseif hvec[i] == 0
            pr = ill_nlog2_noveh_k2(kap, lam_noveh, mu, ttarray[i, :], ddarray[i, :], ffarray[i, :], choicearray[i, 2], choicearray[i, 3])
        #ll += -1 * wtvec[i] * log(max(eps(T), pr))
        atomic_add!(ll, -1 * wtvec[i] * log(max(eps(T), pr)))
    return ll

where the commented sections are those that I altered to create the multi-threaded version. Here is the code that calls it and invokes autodiff:

function estwrap_nlog2_threadtest(dmat)

    tt = hcat(Array{Float64}(dmat[:,17:30]), dmat[:,16]) # oss - ott then d
    dd = Array{Int64}(dmat[:,32:45])
    ff = Array{Float64}(dmat[:,47:60])
    choices = Array{Int64}(dmat[:,12:14])
    wts = Vector{Float64}(dmat[:,15])
    hvec = Vector{Int64}(dmat[:,7])
    bni = vcat(-0.05, -0.05, 0.0*ones(7), zeros(14), -0.1, -1.0)
    td_newlog = TwiceDifferentiable(vars -> ll_nlog2_k2_mtr(vars, choices, tt, dd, ff, hvec, wts), bni; autodiff = :forward)

    b_newlog = optimize(td_newlog, bni, method = NewtonTrustRegion(), iterations = 200, show_trace = true, show_every = 1, g_tol = 1e-4)
    bnewlog = Optim.minimizer(b_newlog)

I’m able to to run the objective function (evaluate the ll) with multiple threads and am getting a decent speed increase, but to do so in a race-safe way we have to declare ll to be an Atomic type (here Atomic{T} so it inherits the type of b which works fine when I don’t need autodiff.

But with autodiff, I get the type error below (it seems like the only errors I ever get in Julia are type errors, it’s taking years off my life lol):

TypeError: in Atomic, in T, expected T<:Union{Bool, Float16, Float32, Float64, Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}, got Type{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{var"#38#39"{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Int64}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Int64}, Matrix{Float64}}, Float64}, Float64, 9}}

Do I need this to somehow be a non-existent combo of atomic and forwarddiff’s dual, or is there a smart (or dumb ha) way to deal with this?

Here is a MWE:

using Optim, Distributions, Random, Statistics, BenchmarkTools, NLSolversBase, LineSearches, ForwardDiff
using Base.Threads
import Base.Threads.@threads

dr = rand(Normal(0.1, 1.1), (30,2))
dta = 1.0 .+ 0.3*dr[:,1] + dr[:,2]

# no thread
function minss(b, y, x)
    n = size(y)[1]

    T = promote_type(eltype(b))
    ss = zero(T) 

    for i in 1:n
        res = (y[i] - b[1] - b[2]*x[i])^2
        ss += res
    return ss

function estwrap_minss(y, x)
    bni = vcat(0.0, 0.0)
    tdf = TwiceDifferentiable(vars -> minss(vars, y, x), bni; autodiff = :forward)
    minout = optimize(tdf, bni, method = NewtonTrustRegion(), iterations = 2000, show_trace = true, show_every = 10, g_tol = 1e-4)
    b = Optim.minimizer(minout)

# with threading
function minss_thr(b, y, x)
    n = size(y)[1]

    T = promote_type(eltype(b))
    ss = Atomic{T}(0) 

    @threads for i in 1:n
        res = (y[i] - b[1] - b[2]*x[i])^2
        atomic_add!(ss, res)
    return ss

function estwrap_minss_thr(y, x)
    bni = vcat(0.0, 0.0)
    tdf = TwiceDifferentiable(vars -> minss_thr(vars, y, x), bni; autodiff = :forward)
    minout = optimize(tdf, bni, method = NewtonTrustRegion(), iterations = 2000, show_trace = true, show_every = 10, g_tol = 1e-4)
    b = Optim.minimizer(minout)

aa1 = estwrap_minss(dta, dr[:,1])
aa2 = estwrap_minss_thr(dta, dr[:,1])

Just so I’m on the same page with you, what’s your Julia version?

I actually would recommend using a lock here rather than an atomic, since it seems there’s type constraints on what you can put in the atomic for now. Here’s your MWE working:

using Optim, Distributions, Random, Statistics, BenchmarkTools, NLSolversBase, LineSearches, ForwardDiff
using Base.Threads
import Base.Threads.@threads

dr = rand(Normal(0.1, 1.1), (30,2))
dta = 1.0 .+ 0.3*dr[:,1] + dr[:,2]

# no thread
function minss(b, y, x)
    n = size(y)[1]

    T = promote_type(eltype(b))
    ss = zero(T) 

    for i in 1:n
        res = (y[i] - b[1] - b[2]*x[i])^2
        ss += res
    return ss

function estwrap_minss(y, x)
    bni = vcat(0.0, 0.0)
    tdf = TwiceDifferentiable(vars -> minss(vars, y, x), bni; autodiff = :forward)
    minout = optimize(tdf, bni, method = NewtonTrustRegion(), iterations = 2000, show_trace = true, show_every = 10, g_tol = 1e-4)
    b = Optim.minimizer(minout)

# with threading
function minss_thr(b, y, x)
    n = size(y)[1]

    T = promote_type(eltype(b))
    ss = zero(T)
    ss_lock = Threads.SpinLock()

    @threads for i in 1:n
        res = (y[i] - b[1] - b[2]*x[i])^2
        lock(ss_lock) do
            ss += res
    return ss

function estwrap_minss_thr(y, x)
    bni = vcat(0.0, 0.0)
    tdf = TwiceDifferentiable(vars -> minss_thr(vars, y, x), bni; autodiff = :forward)
    minout = optimize(tdf, bni, method = NewtonTrustRegion(), iterations = 2000, show_trace = true, show_every = 10, g_tol = 1e-4)
    b = Optim.minimizer(minout)

aa1 = estwrap_minss(dta, dr[:,1])
aa2 = estwrap_minss_thr(dta, dr[:,1])
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running 1.6.7

yes, you just need to make sure that the atomics and such that you’re using are for dual numbers and not for Float64. But ForwardDiff duals are bitstypes so they act like any built-in number.

What would that look like in the MWE I provided? It seems like one must declare the objective function value in this setting as an Atomic which then cannot coerce with ForwardDiff.Dual type.