All I see is 1.0 or partial 1.3 Julia books out there. Does anyone know if any authors are working on new books or new editions covering 1.7 or at least 1.5??
I fear if I learn from a 1.0 book, I will have to unlearn half the book to make code that works in 1.7 or 1.8.
All of the 1.x releases are backwards compatible. So code that works with Julia 1.0 should still work with 1.8, even if it doesn’t use the latest features.
Sorry I had misread the release notices. I had thought 1.6 was a line in the sand on backward compatibility. Still, if anyone knows of a pending release (next 3 months) on a book that covers something above 1.3, I would love to hear it.
I have never used a Julia book but this one is fairly recent (it uses Julia 1.7.2)
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This one was recently posted on Julia Slack :
Julia as a second laguage, by Erik Engheim.
To be published by Fall 2022.
Both books are already available (maybe they meant “Fall in the southern hemisphere”
). I’m on the Manning mailing list, which announced that “Julia as a second language” is available today (18. March, presumably in a U.S. timezone) at a discounted price.
EDIT: They are currently in pre-publication format, so what I said above is not entirely correct.
For one of them only 2 chapters and for the other one only 3 chapters are currently available.
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Yes, you’re right, I should have mentioned that they would still be incomplete. If you purchase at this point, Manning notifies you as updates become available.
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