In Plots, using xaxis=:log
, I get evenly spaced tick marks, like this:
However, in my case I would much prefer unevenly spaced tickmarks representing uniform intervals, as in this image generated with matplotlib:

Is it possible to achieve this?
I believe the plotlyjs backend does this by default
I’m new to juila, so there might be good reasons against it, but from a user perspective I don’t think this should be backend dependent. There should be an option in the API to choose between them.
By the way, I posted this also on Stack Overflow, where someone has suggested a way to ‘roll my own’ tick marks. It’s not a satisfying solution in general, but it will work for now. plots.jl - Log axis appearance in julia/Plots - Stack Overflow
Having log scale lines is a really good visual way to alert the viewer that a plot is logarithmic.
I agree - it’s just a question of implementing it.