Makie log scale axis with nicer ticks

Is there any way how to set the ticks in log scale axis automatically (default) to be only 10^N, where N is an integer? I do not like the 10^0.5 10^1.5 etc.

There is an underdocumented feature for this. See


For more ticks that are at nice readable locations, like 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, … instead of 10^0, 10^0.5, 10^1, …, there’s BaseMulTicks([1,2,5]) in MakieExtra.jl. It puts ticks at the specified multiples of each base power (10^n by default).
See the y axis in the examples from the docs:


Can I add it to user defined theme to be used automatically?