[ANN] TerminalGat.jl


I’m happy to announce the release of TerminalGat.jl

What is gat?

The gat is a CLI tool written in Go(:cat: cat alternative written in Go.) and created by koki-develop.

It works like cat (display file content in your terminal) and enables syntax highlighting. For instance, you can display files nicely :smiley: :

Our Julia package TerminalGat.jl integrates nicely with gat and Julia REPL.

Our Julia package TerminalGat.jl exports the following functions and macros:

  • gat
  • gess
  • @gess
  • @code
  • @gode
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("TerminalGat")
julia> using TerminalGat
julia> gat("[README.md](http://readme.md/)")
julia> gess("largefile.jl") # works like `less` + highlights julia code
julia> @code sin(1.0) # extracts the method definition
julia> @gode sin(1.0) # highlights julia code
julia> @less sin(1.0) # InteractiveUtils.less
julia> @gess sin(1.0) # InteractiveUtils.less + highlights julia

The @code works like InteractiveUtils.less except it only focus the method definition.

The @gode is a macro works like @code + gat.

η™Ύθžγ―δΈ€θ¦‹γ«ε¦‚γ‹γš(Seeing is believing). Have a try.


I don’t know how people write as much code as this guy. I see 171 repos with 104 of them being his own.