If you’re searching the best and easiest way to print text in terminal in different types, colors and more, maybe this package will interest you.

CatPalette is a Julia package with the objective of making your prints more customizable, to improve the organization of your projects, making them more understandable and beauty.
More info at: GitHub - lyriath-love/CatPalette
@lyriath.love I took a glance at this project when you opened the package registration PR: I get the impression you may not have seen Crayons.jl or StyledStrings.jl?
Yes! I already know them! But… To be honest i wanted to create my own package, primarily for my own use and learn more about julia. It’s my first mini-project, so i’m sharing it to see if someone like it 
Great to create your own package!
It’s arguably the best way to learn.
Not to be a buzzkill, but I do wonder if perhaps such experiments might be best left as unregistered packages? Particularly when the use case seems to be well-covered by existing packages.
Yes, creating my own packages helps me a lot to learn more about julia!
And I think you’re right! Some of my experiments are better off being unregistered packages haha, sorry and thanks for replying to my post <3