[ANN] SatelliteToolbox v1 - After almost 10 years, we reached v1.0!

Hi everyone!

I started coding the SatelliteToolbox.jl package 10 years ago. It’s been daily used at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) for various tasks.

The most important ones were related to the Amazonia-1 satellite. We used SatelliteToolbox.jl to develop, test, verify, and analyze different parts of the mission, including the attitude and orbit control subsystem (AOCS). Even after almost 4 years of the mission, we’re still using it to check how well the satellite’s AOCS is working.

Since we use this package daily and it’s been a while since we had any complaints about the API, I’m excited to announce the release of the v1.0 of all packages in the ecosystem. It’s officially stable now!

Thanks to everyone who helped us reach this milestone!

P.S.: The packages are still being registered and it should be ready in 30 min more or less.


Congratulations! SatelliteToolbox is one of the many great packages that make Julia the perfect language for scientific computing.

As this package has demonstrated its potential in production, I hope this announcement can be expanded and end up as a Julia-lang blog post. Many more projects could now be inspired to use it.



Good idea! I will try to write a blog-post about this journey :slight_smile:


By the way (off topic), does anyone have idea if there is a size limitation for a blog post in julia website?

Done! Now we just need to wait for the PR to get merged:


An amazing journey! Congrats! I hope your blog post can inspire others to do something similar.

If the Julia-lang blog is going to publish third-party posts, I hope those responsible can shed some light on this.

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The post was published :slight_smile: