ANN: Plotly library and doc updates

Hello Julians!

Over the past couple months we’ve made a ton of updates to the PlotlyBase.jl and PlotlyJS.jl packages

We have a whole slew of new features including

  • faceted charts,
  • support for ColorSchemes.jl,
  • templates
  • a new make_subplots command automating the precise creation of detailed subplots
  • subplot aware update_(xaxes|yaxes|geos|polars|ternaries|mapboxes|scenes|shapes|annotations)! methods
  • an upgrade to the 2.X series of the plotly.js javascript library
  • new add_(hline|vline|hrect|vrect)! functions
  • support for chart config options (see PlotConfig type and its docstring)
  • and more!

Many of these changes are already documented over at the newly revamped Plotly julia graphing library in Julia documentation site. Dozens more documentation pages are in progress and will be deployed soon, so keep an eye on that space.

Please take a look at the new functionality and report back on the GitHub repo, here, or the plotly community forum if you have questions or spot something that might be wrong

Finally, we have made major updates to the Dash.jl docs over at – go check them out and get Dashing