[ANN] PkgDashboards

Thank you! I wanted something like this. I’ve been using ugly oneliner [1] which is not really easy to use.

By the way, it’d be nice if dashboard returns a PkgDashboard object that implements 3-arg show with text/markdown, text/plain, and text/html. It would then be opened automatically in user’s preferred display; e.g., ElectronDisplay.jl: [ANN] ElectronDisplay.jl v1.0.0 released

Also, is it possible to link to https://github.com/JuliaCI/NanosoldierReports/tree/master/pkgeval/by_date/$YYYY-$MM/$DD/logs/$packagename from the PkgEval badge? I guess figuring out the correct day is a bit tricky, though. (Maybe just use the latest day that does not return 404?)

[1] cd ~/.julia/registries/General; grep --files-with-matches '\btkf\b' */*/Package.toml | sort | xargs dirname | sed -E 's#(.*)/(.*)#| [![PkgEval \2](https://juliaci.github.io/NanosoldierReports/pkgeval_badges/\0.svg)](https://juliaci.github.io/NanosoldierReports/pkgeval_badges/report.html) | \2 |#'

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