Package badges on JuliaHub

Since JuliaHub collates a lot of information about packages, we thought it might be valuable to expose some of that via badges. So we’re pleased to announce that it now hosts badges for a packages latest release version (and date), PkgEval status, and its number of dependencies. You can add these badges to your package READMEs if you want.

To find the badge url for your package, navigate to the page for your package on JuliaHub. For example, here is the page for SMTPClient.jl. At the bottom right corner of that page, will find the badges for that package displayed. If you hover over the badge, your’ll find a button to copy the url for that badge, like so:


Once you copy the link, you can paste it as is into your Rendered on github, it will look like so:

If you have ideas for additional badges it could host, please do let us know.


I used to rely on JuliaHub to report a pkgeval status on my packages. It seems now all the badges say “No Data”. Is there an alternative for CI pkgeval status report?

xpost: Did JuliaHub drop support for pkgeval badges? Is there an alternative? · Issue #148 · JuliaComputing/JuliaHub-Feedback · GitHub
xpost: Did JuliaHub drop support for pkgeval badges? Is there an alternative? · Issue #124 · JuliaCI/PkgEval.jl · GitHub