[ANN] PDFmerger.jl: produce multiple plots on separate pages in one PDF file

Hi all,

I’m happy to announce the little PDFmerger.jl package to merge PDF (Portable Document Format) files. It is tested on Linux, OS X, and Windows and does not require (manual) installation of external tools.

Besides simple installation, it provides a convenient way to produce a PDF file containing multiple plots on different pages. This topic came up before and there is an open issue for Plots.jl.

using Plots
using PDFmerger: append_pdf!

for t in 1:5
    p = plot(rand(33), title="$t")
    savefig(p, "temp.pdf")
    append_pdf!("allplots.pdf", "temp.pdf", cleanup=true)

This produces allplots.pdf that contains all five plots and deletes the temporary file. (Has anybody an idea how to avoid to manually specify a temporary file name? A clever macro maybe?)

I hope that may be helpful! I’m open to any suggestions :slight_smile:



Does it work with Makie.jl?


If you save the Makie figure as PDF (with CairoMakie) it should work.

PDFmerger does only handle PDF files, so it doesn’t know (or care) if the files where produced by Makie, Plots.jl, or anything else.


That could be very helpful, thanks !
A solution without macro:

function with_merge_pdfs(inner, output, iterables...)
	empty!(output)  # to replace with rm(output_path) in final version
	map(iterables...) do args...
		mktemp() do path, io
			inner(output, path, args...)

As an example involving only arrays, no file (just for testing)

	output = []  # would be replaced with output = "output.pdf"
	with_merge_pdfs(output, 1:3) do outp, temp, x
			push!(outp, (temp, x))  # would be replaced with the plot commands


The final version would be used as

with_merge_pdfs("allplots.pdf", 1:5) do all, temp, t
    p = plot(rand(33), title="$t")
    savefig(p, temp)
    append_pdf!(all, temp)

To be checked, as I’m still learning :slight_smile:

On the matplotlib page for savefig it says:

savefig(fname, …


fname str or path-like or binary file-like

A path, or a Python file-like object.

A file-like-object is one which supports the .read() and .write() interface.

Suggesting one could put together an object which somehow uses IOBuffer rather than files.

Very useful! Let’s see how it develops.

I am also looking for a pkg to merge Figure generated by Makie.jl. Have you already found one? Thanks anyway. :smiley:

Isn’t this question already answered above?

I have used this approach and it definitely does work!

Or did you need something different?

Nice profile picture :slight_smile:

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Alright, I will try it later.

I mean the Figure, a object in Makie.jl generated by functions like lines scatter. If PDFmerger.jl supports, then I can jump the intermediate saving pdf steps to directly stitch multiple figures. Then total steps only include once operation of saving pdf.