Import external PDF or SVG to Makie figure


I would like to create a simple figure with Makie.jl, where on the left I have an Axis, and on the right an external PDF. I haven’t found anything around, except the MakieTeX.jl package, where I can import a PDF or SVG with

SVGDocument(read("file.svg", String))
PDFDocument(read("file.pdf", String))

However this is specific for latex files, while I just need to import a PDF.

Are there simpler ways?


Try loading your PDF file with FileIO.jl and then plot it as an image:

using FileIO, CairoMakie # You'll need to install ImageMagick.jl package, too
pdf_file = load("path/to/your.pdf")

fig = Figure()
scatter(fig[1, 1], 1:10, rand(10))
img_ax, = image(fig[1, 2], pdf_file', axis = (aspect = DataAspect(), yreversed = true))

I have installed imagemagick with brew update && brew install imagemagick but I still get

Error encountered while load File{DataFormat{:PDF}, String}("figures/header.pdf").

Fatal error:
ERROR: ArgumentError: Package ImageMagick [6218d12a-5da1-5696-b52f-db25d2ecc6d1] is required but does not seem to be installed:
 - Run `Pkg.instantiate()` to install all recorded dependencies.

Oh, probably my bad wording. You need ImageMagick.jl, like, the Julia package.

]add ImageMagick

Ok, it crashes now

julia> using FileIO

julia> pdf_file = load("figures/header.pdf")
Assertion failed: (string_info->signature == MagickCoreSignature), function GetStringInfoDatum, file MagickCore/string.c, line 1200.

[26859] signal 6: Abort trap: 6
in expression starting at REPL[4]:1
__pthread_kill at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib (unknown line)
Allocations: 6701183 (Pool: 6700724; Big: 459); GC: 9
zsh: abort      julia --project

Ok, with a different PDF file works. It very strange since MakieTeX is able to import the previous file.

BTW, it seems that the image is resterized, while I still need it to be a vector graphic.

You could try if this still works Viewer for PDF images - #35 by jules