[ANN] New Julia Podcast

Hey Julia folks!

I know this space is usually for package announcements, but I’m gonna shake things up a bit. Instead of “import NewPackage”, how about we “import Podcast”? :wink: Do you miss the good ol’ days when Talk Julia was coming out?

I’ve just launched “Julia GenAI Jam” :studio_microphone::brain: - a casual podcast where we geek out about Julia and generative AI. It’s like a package, but for your ears! :hear_with_hearing_aid:

You can subscribe on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or PocketCast.

Whether you’re a Julia newbie or a seasoned pro, if you’re curious about GenAI, this pod’s for you. We’ll be chatting about projects, sharing wins (and facepalms :person_facepalming:), and exploring the wild world of Julia + AI.

But here’s the real deal: I want to hear YOUR stories! :mega: Got a Julia GenAI project, even a tiny one? Come share it! What worked? What exploded? :boom: What made you go “Aha!” or “Oh no!”?

This is a for-us-by-us kinda thing. So if you’re up for a chat or know someone who is, hit me up! Let’s build this Julia GenAI community together. :handshake:

Who knows? Maybe your project will be the next hot package announcement here! :package::fire:

Ready to jam? Let’s Julia-n-chill! :musical_note::woman_technologist:


The first episode should drop this week :slight_smile: !


Is that an AI-generated podcast theme song?!? That was amazing!


still prefer using Podcast. Just me though


I didn’t want to pollute your namespace if there are too many episodes… :nerd_face:

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Yes! Suno.ai is incredible - I had a lot of fun playing with it.

Love the logo!

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I listened to the first two episodes. While I like the content, I had a very hard time with the audio. I normally listen to podcasts at a relatively high speed. With this podcast, I had to dramatically lower that, and even then, I found it difficult to follow the conversation. It’s hard to pin down: possibly the guests just had accents that are challenging for me, but I actually suspect that it’s processing artifacts that are making the audio unintelligible. Is it possible that the original recording was of poor quality and then was heavily filtered / AI processed?

It’s not the first time that a new podcast didn’t work out for me because of audio quality issues, despite good content. I would urge any podcast to heavily optimize the audio setup. Most importantly, that means recording both the host and the guest locally and individually, with a decent microphone and a reasonable sound environment. I know of podcasts host that ship their guests a microphone and recorder to streamline this. In our current post-Covid times, many people probably have decent A/V setups at home, so that may have gotten easier. But still, you definitely need high-quality recording on both sides; a simple Zoom recording or something like that most generally won’t do, and the less “noise reduction” etc you have to do, the better.

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Sorry to hear that and thanks for the observation. I’ll see what I can do in the future episodes. I think the last one was a bit harder due to several people responding + a lot of audio clipping (we had to re-answer a few times).

You’re right that there has been a bunch of AI processing (2 rounds) but it was much worse without it – the recording conditions so far have been quite poor and you’d hear too many artifacts otherwise. I’ll play with it more next time and I’ll keep emphasizing to guests to find the best mic and the quietest spot to record!

On the quality, I upload it as wav file, but I wonder if different providers can reduce the quality of the provided sound? I use PocketCast and can listen to it in 3x (with volume boost and “mad Max” silence trimming).

On a different note, do we have any pro users of Cursor or Copilot here that would be willing to demo their tricks? (By “pro” I mean using it several times a day and more features than just the completions)

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So I tried several things differently in the latest episode. Let me know if you think it’s better/worse.

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Assuming you mean the episode with Cameron Pfeiffer, I’d say “better”. But it still sounds like a recorded call, not two people separately/locally recorded with good microphones. Doable, but with a lot of room for improvement, audio-quality-wise.

But apart from that, I enjoyed that episode very much!


Is there a way to make the podcast easier to discover? It didn’t appear when I searched for “julia language” and “julia programming” on iOS Podcasts and PocketCast. Of course “julia genai” works, but not everyone interested in Julia will discover that.