MetidaNCA is the package for noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analysis. It’s assumed that the package can be used for batch data analysis. The main calculation methods are implemented:
- Linear-trapesoidal;
- Log-trapezoidal;
- Linear-up, log-down.
Most pharmacokinetic parameters can be obtained.
Documentation available.
Validation in progress. Draft validation report available: validation_report.pdf.
v0.1.3 released. Better test coverage, better output. Improved validation coverage.
v0.1.4 released. Plotting. Now you cat plot PK profile directly from subject dataset.
Version 0.1.6 released. Improve validation coverage and documentation: more plots and examples. Fix some bugs. Basic routines: setkelrange!, setdosetime!, setkelauto!, applylimitrule! now can be easily applied to set of subjects. You can modify elimination range settings, dosing time and tau, change concentrations if BLLOQ. Added modify!
for possibility of calculation custom parameters. Set can be exported as table.
Some plots examples:

Version 0.2.1 released.
Validation report extended.
Urine PK implemented.
Other minor code changes.
Version 0.4.0 released.
Additional NpLZ
parameter - number of points for elimination range calculation.
Initial pharmacodynamics parameters and methods pdimport and nca!:
- Rmax - max responce;
- Tmax - time for maximum responce;
- AUCABL - AUC above baseline;
- AUCBBL - AUC below baseline;
- AUCATH - AUC above threshold;
- AUCBTH - AUC below threshold;
- TABL - time above baseline;
- TBBL - time below baseline;
- TATH - time above threshold;
- TBTH - time below threshold;
- AUCBTW - AUC between baseline and threshold;
Minor changes in structures, docs.
Project path.
Version 0.4.2 released.
- keyword dropped from nca!
. Add PD example. Better PD text output. PD plotting with BL and TH lines:

There is minor API changing, but this not affect the test results.
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Version 0.4.5 released.
Test and validation report updated. Now Unitful.jl compatible (maybe someone wants to use it together). Minor fixes.
Version 0.5.5 on main branch.
- Minor changes in plotting.
- Add partial AUC calculation for PK subjects.