ANN: linter-julia plugin for Atom / Juno

And to be able to dismiss an Info or Warning once I have seen it.

Goto settings and add E321 to the list of ignored lint codes. If this is not enough / convenient, please file an issue of the new feature request.

Edit: some of the development ideas should go to the linter package. Note the version 2 seems to be under development and adds a lot features.

I added settings to ignore all infos and all warnings in v0.4.0. Also now the ignore codes are read actively not just during start-up.

a useful feature that I’d love is a [+] button that extends the box with the lint message which gives more information, e.g. how to silence a warning (or even a button that automatically adds a @lintpragma to silence the warning for you)

Is there a way to make it work for domain-specific syntaxes? i.e. right now it flags Plots recipes as errors.

Please report all false errors as an Issue at the Lint.jl library.


This is already implemented in linter, thus it would be as simple as starting to use the feature. Now the tricky part, which I don’t have a glue at the moment, what should we write to the hint box? How to get that information? I propose that you will file an issue to Lint.jl, because linter is already supporting to display it, thus we will need to find the way to provide that information.

Hey everyone,

The linter is now updated, and it works again in Julia 1.2 + latest Atom!

Grab the latest version here:


Now it uses Lint.jl as the backend. I will integrate StaticLint.jl


Hi I just installed linter-julia and I’m seeing the above error.
Any using statement produces this MethodError in the linting.
I’m on julia 1.2.0 and just updated all packages to the most recent version. (And also restarted a bunch of times)

This is because Lint.jl is old and generates false positives. We need to move to StaticLint.jl

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