What is the current approach for linting in Juno

I am still new to Juno, but was wondering what the current best practice is for Linting. I have linter-julia installed right now, but I keep getting these annoying message [Linter-Julia] Server returned non-JSON response. See console for more info each time I save my file. Is there something that I am missing? I think I set up Juno according to the docs, but cannot seem to turn off this message.

So I was wondering what the current best practice is for linting in Julia? Like what are the packages to install and the settings to set in Juno. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

linter-julia is actually not in Juno’s ecosystem at all – its implementation is pretty old and imho I don’t recommend using it for now.

We’re planning to implement our own linter based on CSTParser.jl, but it’s not our top priority and so I can’t provide an estimate.

So in conclusion there is no (static-)linter in Juno for now, but with Juno’s interactive code execution feature you can easily find syntactical misses. If you really want a linter, vscode-julia extension will do that fine.

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Oh thanks for clarifying. I don’t really use the linter, but I thought it was part of Juno, so I installed it. No worries, I can remove linter-julia.

is there a way to raise the prioritisation? I think the missing linter is one of the first disturbing things to convince newcomers trying out julia. Every error they do will only be visible when running on the command line which both later in time and also conceptually separated from the code.

For both easier development and easier learning julia a proper linter is essentiell


FWIW, I had to switch from Juno to VSC for this very same reason. Having the IDE tell me that I have mistyped an identifier before running any test was a breath of fresh air!