I’m pleased to announce the v0.1.0 version of JuliaZH.jl, this is a community-driven localization project for the Julia compiler and stdlib in Chinese built within JuliaCN. More than 50 people have involved the development and translation.
This package provides most of the translation for manual at the moment. We provide a transifex-CI based automatic sync documentation on both local Chinese server and github/gitlab pages, the service covers all the regions in China, including sensitive regions. You could access the Chinese documentation on docs.juliacn.com or through gitlab pages for the nightly preview version https://juliacn.gitlab.io/JuliaZH.jl
We are not only planning to provide the translation of manual, the translation for doc strings is also in the roadmap. Although, it might not be possible in near term, a simple Julia keyword translation is provided:
julia> using JuliaZH
help?> julia
search: JuliaZH
欢迎来到Julia 1.1.0. 完整的中文手册可以在这里找到
输入 ?, 然后输入你想要查看帮助文档的函数或者宏名称就可以查看它们的文档。例如?cos, 或者 ?@time 然后按回车键即可。
在REPL中输入 ENV["REPL_LOCALE"]="" 将恢复英文模式。再次回到中文模型请输入 ENV["REPL_LOCALE"]="zh_CN"。
In the following short terms, we are planning to provide better local accessibility to the localized documentation, e.g build a PDF file locally, search the localized version locally, etc.
We hope this project would inspire other localization efforts and help people in the community to build their own language’s localization based on what we have.
Moreover, during a practical i18n/L10n project development, we will be able to find out what Julia needs for i18n/L10n, and empower every Julian be able to internationalize/localize their own package.
Special thanks to @Gnimuc and @findmyway for long-term maintenance.
And thanks to:
- @June-6th for outstanding contribution in the translation.
- swarma.org for providing local server and donation on our activities in mainland China.
Finally, thanks all the people who contributed to the translation and the development and former contributors to julia v0.3 translation