I am very pleased to announce the ImageColorThresholderApp.jl
ImageColorThresholderApp is a GUI application powered by Makie.jl, Inspired by MATLAB Color Thresholder app.
ImageColorThresholderApp is a GUI tool for segmenting color images. By using it threshold individual color channels or combinations of channels in different color spaces, such as RGB, HSV, Lab and YCbCr. This app generates binary segmentation mask and thresholded image for color images.
Here are features of ImageColorThresholderApp:
- Threshold individual color channels or combinations of channels in different color spaces (RGB, HSV, Lab, YCbCr, etc.).
- Adjust the threshold levels interactively.
- Preview the thresholded image in real time.
- Generate julia code to work space as well as external file.
- Generate thresholded images and segmentation masks.
using GLMakie
using ImageColorThresholderApp
using TestImages
img = testimage("monarch_color")
Repo: GitHub - rakeshksr/ImageColorThresholderApp.jl: GUI tool for thresholding color images
Docs: Home · ImageColorThresholderApp