[ANN] GeoStats.jl - Geospatial Data Science and Geostatistical Modeling in Julia

Quick update:

We are now using uv texture mapping in Makie.jl to visualize “rasters”, which gives an additional 2.5x speedup. If you need this speed, please update your environment.

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If you want faster upsampling, look into NNlib. The julia native bilinear upsampling there is parallelized for cpu and gpu and supports 1, 2 & 3D data and is as fast as it can probably get.

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Relevant update:

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GeoStats.jl v0.66

Refactored Slice transform and other minor fixes:

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Two job opportunities:

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I’m finishing a Masters in Geophysics that is in the geospatial realm (my research is in geodesy). Maybe by the end of my degree I’ll qualify as for being “proficient in high-performance programming languages” because as of now, I’m firmly between novice and adequate. lol

Good luck with the search! :+1:

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