[ANN] Announcing PkgCite.jl

Hello, I’m glad to announce PkgCite.jl, a package that helps you generate .bib files corresponding to all the packages (and their dependencies) from the current active environment.

using PkgCite

# Be sure to be in the appropriate environment


The package can also generate a sentence citing Julia and all the packages with CITATION.bib files in the current active environment and automatically copy it to your clipboard.


If you do not want all the dependencies in the .bib file (or sentence), you can use only_direct=true to select only direct dependencies (as mentioned in the docs).

The package is in an early stage, so there might be bugs or omissions, do not hesitate to open issues if you encounter any problems. Moreover, I would also like to ask the community about what other features would be of interest.

One of the features mentioned by @ChrisRackauckas was the ability to get extra citation details for algorithms which lead to the question @oxinabox raised about what happens when a package has multiple entries in the CITATION.bib file.

Let me know what you think :smile:

cc: @00krishna


The extra citations (similar to PETSc) would be really nice :+1: