I have a single-file module which I would like to add to my loading path. Previously in Julia 0.6, I had this in my ~/.bashrc:
if [ -n "$JULIA_LOAD_PATH" ]; then
If I do this in Julia 1.0, I cannot load any other modules, and Julia interprets this path as the path containing all modules, which is not what I want. So far, no matter what I try I have not managed to be able to load both my module and Base modules simply by altering an environment variable.
The issue is that the default path is overwritten.
You need to tell julia that you still want the default.
You do this by putting “an empty entry in LOAD_PATH” (actually JULIA_LOAD_PATH).
Entries are separated by : so just make sure you have an : at the beginning or end or a :: in the middle.