Adding (simple) user-defined functions causes significant slowdown in JuMP + Ipopt


I created a nonlinear programming problem (for model predictive control) using JuMP, and solved it using Ipopt. However, I found that, if I included an (even very simple) user-defined function in the defining the nonlinear equality constraints, the computation becomes significantly slower. This issue was there regardless of whether I use “autodiff” to get the gradient or provide the gradient by myself. The code with the user-defined function (learned_model) is as follows. With such function, the optimization step takes about 4.7 seconds (measured using @time).

    learned_model(x...) = 0.0;
    function Δlearned_model(g,x...)
        g[1] = 0;
        g[2] = 0;
        g[3] = 0;
        g[4] = 0;
        g[5] = 0;
        g[6] = 0;
    register(MPC, :learned_model,n,learned_model, Δlearned_model);
    aux_xi = @variable(MPC, [1:n]);  
    @constraint(MPC, aux_xi.== X[i]);
    @NLconstraint(MPC,X[i][4]+h*(-gravity*sin(x[3])-sin(x[3])/m*(U[i][1]+**learned_model(aux_xi...)** == X[i+1][4]); 

If I remove the user-defined function and simply write the constraint as

  @NLconstraint(MPC,X[i][4]+h*(-gravity*sin(x[3])-sin(x[3])/m*(U[i][1]+**0**== X[i+1][4]); 

the computation time for the optimization step is reduced significantly to 0.0088287 second.

I cannot understand why. Any comments are appreciated.


It’s a little surprising that the overhead is that significant, but note that the time you are measuring isn’t jut the time spent in Ipopt, it also includes the time JuMP is spending to build the problem, so it isn’t surprising that it is slower.

Can you share a proper minimal working example that I can copy-and-paste?

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@odow, thank you for your response. I later printed the time spent on Ipopt, which were still significantly different under the two cases. On my computer, when I use learned_model1, the Ipopt execution time is above 4 seconds; without using it, the execution time is less than 0.1 seconds. I include my code below. Look forward to your insights into it. Thank you.

# load packages
using LinearAlgebra
using JuMP, Ipopt
using MosekTools
using Convex
using Plots
using LaTeXStrings
using Printf

## system definition
gravity = 9.81;
m = 0.486;
J = 0.00383;
l = 0.25;
n= 6;       # state dimension
nu = 2;     # input dimension
II = 1.0* Matrix(I, n, n);

fx = x-> [x[4:6];-gravity*sin(X[i][3]); gravity*(cos(X[i][3])-1); 0];  #still works when x has multiple columns, used for vectorized computation
gx = x->  [zeros(3,2); -sin(X[i][3])/m 0; -cos(X[i][3])/m 0; 0 1/J];

N = 20; #  prediction horizon
R = [1 1]';
dR = R*10;
Q = ones(6,1); # weights for the terminal state: x, y, theta, dx, dy, dtheta
x0 = vec([5.0 5.0 0 0 0 0]);
h= 0.005;
## formulate and solve the nonlinear programming problem using JuMP
MPC = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(
  "max_iter" => 500,
  "print_level" => 3,
X = [@variable(MPC,[1:n]) for i in 1:N];
U = [@variable(MPC,[1:nu]) for i in 1:N];

@constraint(MPC,X[1].==x0); # initial value constraint

learned_model1(x...) = 0.0;
register(MPC, :learned_model1,n,learned_model1, Δlearned_model1);
# dynamics constraint (nonlinear):
for i in 1:N-1
    @constraint(MPC,X[i][1]+h*X[i][4] == X[i+1][1]);
    @constraint(MPC,X[i][2]+h*X[i][5] == X[i+1][2]);
    @constraint(MPC,X[i][3]+h*X[i][6] == X[i+1][3]);
    aux_xi = @variable(MPC, [1:n]);
    @constraint(MPC, aux_xi.== X[i]);

    ############################ Execution time under the following two cases are significantly different###############
    # write the learned model using globally defined functions.
    # @NLconstraint(MPC,X[i][4]+h*(-gravity*sin(X[i][3])-sin(X[i][3])/m*(U[i][1]+learned_model1(aux_xi...))) == X[i+1][4]);
    # @NLconstraint(MPC,X[i][5]+h*(gravity*(cos(X[i][3])-1)-cos(X[i][3])/m*(U[i][1]+learned_model1(aux_xi...))) == X[i+1][5]);

    # write the learned model explicitly
    @NLconstraint(MPC,X[i][4]+h*(-gravity*sin(X[i][3])-sin(X[i][3])/m*(U[i][1]+0)) == X[i+1][4]);
    @NLconstraint(MPC,X[i][5]+h*(gravity*(cos(X[i][3])-1)-cos(X[i][3])/m*(U[i][1]+0)) == X[i+1][5]);

    @constraint(MPC,X[i][6]+h*(1/J*(U[i][2])) == X[i+1][6]);
obj_exp = sum((R'*(U[i].^2))[1] for i in 1:N)  +
    sum((dR'*((U[i]-U[i-1]).^2) + Q'*(X[i].^2))[1] for i in 2:N);
@variable(MPC, aux2);
@constraint(MPC,aux2 == obj_exp);
@objective(MPC, Min, aux2);
@time optimize!(MPC);

I took a look into this. It’s the same reason as Nonlinear Objective Function Splatting - #2 by odow.

If you have a multi-variate user-defined function, we don’t pass the hessian to Ipopt.

I see. Thank you for the quick response.