Is there a way to access the axis in a Makie plot recipe? I’d like to apply xlims!(ax, ...)
and set ax.aspect = ....
Not yet, no. This is one part of the ongoing refactor of plot types and recipes, because when they were written there was no Axis.
What about just applying a theme to the Axis, not a full programmatic access to it? For instance, I was hoping that in this recipe the newly created Axis would have a certain background color, etc, but it seems the theme information was not used in any way.
struct TestStruct
ts = TestStruct([1,2,3])
@recipe(TestRecipe) do scene
Axis = (
backgroundcolor = :gray90,
leftspinevisible = false,
rightspinevisible = false,
bottomspinevisible = false,
topspinevisible = false,
xgridcolor = :white,
ygridcolor = :white,
function Makie.plot!(tr::TestRecipe{<:Tuple{TestStruct}})
data = tr[1][].data
scatter!(tr, data, data*2)
@jules any update on this refactor of the recipe system to allow for more customization of the axis, the legend, the subplots in a layout, etc?
Any updates here? I want to customize the title of the plot since the info is embedded in the struct I want to plot.
In regards to setting the axis limits, one can call
limits!(x1, x2, y1, y2)
xlims!(x1, x2)
from within the definition of Makie.plot!(myplot::MyPlot) and it successfully sets the axis limits.