About registrator

HI all,

I made some small modification to a registered package, AD4SM.jl, I am the only contributor, and I called registrator from the web interface from here

the new (0.0.5) version was accepted and is now visible here

however if I try to update my version from julia Pkg.update("AD4SM") the package does not get updated and I am staying with the old version (0.0.4)

in fact the package website still points to the previous version

to install the latest version I have to explicitly install the github version

] add https://github.com/avigliotti/AD4SM.jl

what am I doing wrong? how can I update the package registry to the latest version?

many thanks in advance,

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I tried changing the version number and restarting the workflow from the package’s github page

the version on Julia registry has been updated and it is v0.0.6, but if I try to add or update the package from Julia’s prompt I still get the old version (v0.0.4), and the Julia packages website still points to the old version

found the way to delete the old tag, now things work, thanks!