I have a Symmetric matrix P. When i post-multiply it by a scalar it is still Symmetric, but when i pre-multiply it with the same scalar it is no more Symmetric. Why julia does that ?
Here is an example, the same happens for Hermitian matrices.
I am running Julia Version 1.0.3
julia> P
3×3 Symmetric{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}:
1.5441 -1.04908 0.225946
-1.04908 3.39796 -0.193123
0.225946 -0.193123 2.72884
julia> P*2
3×3 Symmetric{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}:
3.08821 -2.09816 0.451892
-2.09816 6.79592 -0.386245
0.451892 -0.386245 5.45768
julia> 2*P
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
3.08821 -2.09816 0.451892
-2.09816 6.79592 -0.386245
0.451892 -0.386245 5.45768