julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> A = Symmetric(rand(4,4))
4×4 Symmetric{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}:
0.0410142 0.31574 0.0784682 0.649851
0.31574 0.315311 0.908595 0.376246
0.0784682 0.908595 0.758999 0.965215
0.649851 0.376246 0.965215 0.13525
julia> A*2.0
4×4 Symmetric{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}:
0.0820284 0.631481 0.156936 1.2997
0.631481 0.630623 1.81719 0.752492
0.156936 1.81719 1.518 1.93043
1.2997 0.752492 1.93043 0.270501
julia> 2.0*A
4×4 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0820284 0.631481 0.156936 1.2997
0.631481 0.630623 1.81719 0.752492
0.156936 1.81719 1.518 1.93043
1.2997 0.752492 1.93043 0.270501
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Can you open an issue at the JuliaLang/julia repo on GitHub and link to this thread?
The problematic lines are julia/symmetric.jl at da964d6178c5b22e9dc4b1dd8489f052f4b73e94 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub which should probably be updated as
diff --git a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/symmetric.jl b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/symmetric.jl
index b5f6204..d8aad50 100644
--- a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/symmetric.jl
+++ b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/symmetric.jl
@@ -442,9 +442,9 @@ mul!(C::StridedMatrix{T}, A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::Hermitian{T,<:StridedMatrix})
for T in (:Symmetric, :Hermitian), op in (:*, :/)
# Deal with an ambiguous case
- @eval ($op)(A::$T, x::Bool) = ($T)(($op)(A.data, x), sym_uplo(A.uplo))
+ @eval ($op)(A::$T, x::Bool) = broadcast($op, A, x)
S = T == :Hermitian ? :Real : :Number
- @eval ($op)(A::$T, x::$S) = ($T)(($op)(A.data, x), sym_uplo(A.uplo))
+ @eval ($op)(A::$T, x::$S) = broadcast($op, A, x)
function factorize(A::HermOrSym{T}) where T
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Done! Also noticed that the addition between symmetric matrices was not working.
[EDIT : ] link to Github issue https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/29392
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You mean that the result is not of type Symmetric
? See Adding (SymTri)Diagonal, Symmetric or Hermitian matrices together · Issue #22550 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub
Yes exactly!