1st Amsterdam Julia Lang Meetup

We are thrilled to announce the first Amsterdam Julia Language Meetup. We will be hosted by Xebia (Wibautstraat 200) on September 26, starting at 17:30, for networking, learning, and sharing.
Join us in creating a local community for the Julia Programming Language around Amsterdam!

Please sign up if you are planning on attending to estimate how much pizza and snacks to order!

We’ll begin by welcoming some experts in the Julia Language to talk about building and deploying Julia applications. Martijn Visser, from Deltares, will speak about “Building binaries, big and small” and Tom Lemmens, from Sioux Technologies, will present “Bridging the Julia Gap: Structural answers for your colleagues”.

17:30 - Doors open
18:00 - Opening notes
18:10 - Mini-talk (Abel Soares Siqueira) - Mini-intro to Julia
18:30 - Talk: Martijn Visser (Deltares) - Building binaries, big and small
19:00 - Break
19:15 - Talk: Tom Lemmens (Sioux Technologies) - Bridging the Julia Gap: Structural answers for your colleagues
19:45 - Round of introductions
20:00 - Closing remarks
20:10 - Networking over food and drinks

More info here: 1st Amsterdam Julia Language Meetup, Thu, Sep 26, 2024, 5:30 PM | Meetup