I’m trying to estimate an 2-dimension Multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in Turing.jl using the NUTS algorithm.
The solution to this model involves the computation of a matrix exponential. As far as I can deduce, the only autodiff backend that can handle this is Zygote.jl. Thus, I need to write my model avoiding loops. but I am having trouble implementing it.
A snapshot of my model with loops is as follows:
@model function fit_toy_model_observed(data; t_start = t_start, t_end = t_end, dt = dt)
#Set Prior Distributions
σ_y ~ truncated(InverseGamma(2.0,0.2); lower = 0.001)
σ_z ~ truncated(InverseGamma(2.0,0.2); lower = 0.001)
μ_y ~ Normal(mean(data), std(data))
κ_y ~ truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.3); lower = 0.01, upper = 0.99)
κ_z ~ truncated(Normal(0.0,0.3), lower = 0.01, upper = 0.99)
#Set parameters and compute covariance
p = [κ_y * μ_y, κ_y, κ_z, σ_y, σ_z]
Σ = [σ_y^2 0.0; 0.0 σ_z^2]
β = [κ_y -1.0; 0.0 κ_z]
vecΣ_r = kron(β, β) \ (I - exp(-kron(β, β) * dt)) * ((Σ)[:])
Σ_r = [vecΣ_r[1] vecΣ_r[2]; vecΣ_r[2] vecΣ_r[4]]
#Simulate SDE
tspan = (t_start, t_end)
prob = SDEProblem(drift_toy_latent_model, diffusion_toy_latent_model, data[1], tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob, SOSRI(); saveat = dt, verbose = false)
#Calculate Likelihood
for t =1:length(data)-1
data[t+1] ~ MvNormal(sol.u[t+1], Σ_r)
I cannot figure out how to use arraydist()
or filldist()
with type Vector{Vector{Float64}}
which is the type of sol.u
. I have had success by first defining data_xform = data - sol.u
, and then writing the loop as data_xform[2:end] ~ filldist(MvNormal([0.0,0.0], Σ_r), length(data)-1)
, but this treats each element of data_xform
as a parameter, which I do not want.