When using FortranFiles, I was wondering why writing a new file, with the same data and structure as the original, produces a file whose size is significantly larger (~925MB) than the original (~25MB). Is there a compression option that I should be using when writing binary files?
using FortranFiles, DimensionalData
function getvar(fn, vname)
f = FortranFile(fn, convert = "big-endian")
# We need to define these variables due to scoping within the while loop
slab, ifv, hdate, xfcst, map_source, field, units, desc,
xlvl, nx, ny, iproj, projrecs, is_wind_earth_rel, meta = [nothing for _ in 1:15]
levels = Float32[]
while !eof(f)
ifv = read(f, Int32)
hdate, xfcst, map_source, field, units, desc, xlvl, nx, ny, iproj =
read(f, FString{24}, Float32, FString{32}, FString{9},
FString{25}, FString{46}, Float32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
projrecs = projectionrec(Val(Int(iproj)), f)
is_wind_earth_rel = read(f, Int32)
if String(trim(field)) == vname
push!(levels, xlvl)
if slab == nothing
slab = read(f, (Float32, nx,ny))
slab = cat(slab, read(f, (Float32, nx,ny)), dims = 3)
meta = (ifv = ifv, hdate = hdate, xfcst = xfcst, map_source = map_source,
units = units, desc = desc, iproj = iproj, projrecs = projrecs,
is_wind_earth_rel = is_wind_earth_rel)
DimArray(slab, DimensionalData.formatdims(slab, (X(1:nx), Y(1:ny), Z(levels))), (), Symbol(vname), meta)
function Base.write(fn::String, T::Tuple)
isfile(fn) ? rm(fn) : nothing
f = FortranFile(fn, "w", convert = "big-endian")
nx = convert(Int32, size(T[1], X))
ny = convert(Int32, size(T[1], Y))
xlvl = convert(Array{Float32}, val(T[1], Z))
for eachlev in axes(T[1], 3)
for (idx, eachvar) in enumerate(T)
meta = metadata(eachvar)
field = FString(9, String(name(eachvar)))
projrecs = values(meta[:projrecs])
write(f, meta[:ifv])
write(f, meta[:hdate], meta[:xfcst], meta[:map_source], field, meta[:units], meta[:desc], xlvl[eachlev], nx, ny, meta[:iproj])
write(f, projrecs...)
write(f, meta[:is_wind_earth_rel])
write(f, data(eachvar))
function projectionrec(::Val{0}, f)
startloc, startlat, startlon, deltalat, deltalon, earth_radius = read(f, FString{8}, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32)
(startloc = startloc, startlat = startlat, startlon = startlon, deltalat = deltalat, deltalon = deltalon, earth_radius = earth_radius)
# FILE can be downloaded from https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/s/rolTL7Phye758q1
fn = "FILE"
pres = getvar(fn, "PRES");
TT = getvar(fn, "TT");
VV = getvar(fn, "VV");
UU = getvar(fn, "UU");
GHT = getvar(fn, "GHT");
SPECHUMD = getvar(fn, "SPECHUMD");
write("testing", (TT, VV, UU, GHT, SPECHUMD, pres))