I’ve just defined a new type, which represents a lower-triangular matrix and is a subtype of AbstractArray. I extended all the methods required by that interface. When I create an object of this type in the REPL, Julia tries to print a representation off it. This results in a bounds error, since the default display function tries to print a full square matrix, and mine is only lower triangular.
I tried to fix this problem by redefining Base.show. That function works when called directly, but it doesn’t solve the problem. Julia seems not to call “show” when displaying a subtype of AbstractArray. Any suggestions?
My code is below:
using StaticArrays
Lower triangular square matrix stored in column-major order.
x offset of col 1 = 0
x x offset of col 2 = 4
x x x offset of col 3 = 7
x x x x offset of col 4 = 9
A[i, j] = data[i-j+1 + offset[j]]
A[4, 4] = data[1 + 9] = data[10]
mutable struct LTriMatrix{N,M,T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
dim :: Int
data :: MVector{M,T}
offset :: SVector{N,Int}
function LTriMatrix(dim, x)
n = Int(dim)
m = (n*(n+1)) ÷ 2
mat = new{n, m, typeof(x)}()
mat.dim = n
mat.data = MVector{m, typeof(x)}(undef)
offset = MVector{n,Int}(undef)
offset[1] = 0
for i in 2:n
offset[i] = offset[i-1] + n - i + 2
mat.offset = SVector(offset)
Base.size(A::LTriMatrix{N,M,T}) where {N,M,T} = (A.dim, A.dim)
Base.length(A::LTriMatrix{N,M,T}) where {N,M,T} = length(A.data)
Base.IndexStyle(::LTriMatrix{N,M,T}) where {N,M,T} = IndexCartesian()
function Base.getindex(A::LTriMatrix{N,M,T}, i::Int, j::Int) where {N,M,T}
if(i < j)
error("column index exceeds row index")
A.data[i-j+1 + A.offset[j]]
# Fails if value cannot be converted to type T.
function Base.setindex!(A::LTriMatrix{N,M,T}, value, i::Int,
j::Int) where {N,M,T}
if(i < j)
error("column index exceeds row index")
A.data[i-j+1 + A.offset[j]] = value
Write a representation of an LTriMatrix to io. This works when called
explicitly, but is not called by default when Julia tries to display
an object of this type on the terminal.
function Base.show(io::IO, A::LTriMatrix{N,M,T}) where {N,M,T}
for i in 1:A.dim
for j in 1:i
print(io, j>1 ? " " : "", A[i,j])