I am looking for the code from Base that prints Vector or Matrix for a Vector or Matrix, and Array otherwise. I tried to track it down, and this seems to happen in typeof(::AbstractArray); but I can’t inspect that function, neither through which nor the debugger:
julia> [1]
1-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> typeof([1])
Vector{Int64} (alias for Array{Int64, 1})
julia> @which typeof([1])
ERROR: ArgumentError: argument is not a generic function
[1] which(f::Any, t::Any)
@ Base .\reflection.jl:1320
How can I find this code?
(The reason I’m looking for it, is that I’m writing a custom showarg(io::IO, x::AbstractArray{<:Unitful.Quantity{T,D,U}}, toplevel). Calling nameof(typeof(x)) yields "Array", even for vectors and matrices. I currently do
print(io, x isa Vector ? "Vector" :
x isa Matrix ? "Matrix" :
but that seems non-ideal (i.e. for Vector subtypes)).
In general string(x) calls print(x), which typically calls show(io, x) (though there are some exceptions like strings that print differently). If you want the three-arg show(io, "text/plain", x) output as a string you can call repr("text/plain", x) or, most generally, sprint(show, "text/plain", x).
But it sounds like @tfiers wants the output without the type parameters but with the alias?
Vector{T} is just a alias for Array{T, 1}, the same way that Matrix{T} is a alias for Array{T, 2}.
So if you want to make a custom print for AbstractVector and AbstractMatrix subtypes you can do it like this:
function showarg(io::IO, x::AbstractArray{<:Unitful.Quantity{T,D,U}, 1}, toplevel)
# code for AbstractVector
function showarg(io::IO, x::AbstractArray{<:Unitful.Quantity{T,D,U}, 2}, toplevel)
# code for AbstractMatrix
function showarg(io::IO, x::AbstractVector{<:Unitful.Quantity{T,D,U}}, toplevel)
# code
function showarg(io::IO, x::AbstractMatrix{<:Unitful.Quantity{T,D,U}}, toplevel)
# code
Thanks for the helpfulness y’all. What a great community.
This is indeed what I’m after:
The code to print this clearly exists somewhere in the julia codebase, I just don’t know where.
I guess I’d like to see the source code of typeof(::AbstractArray).
I gave you the link above, to the show method, and you should look there to find the lower-level code for output of types. In general, how anything in Julia is displayed or printed almost always boils down to show.
Yes, thank you. (I hadn’t actually clicked that link because I thought I knew the function it pointed to; but turned out it was a different show in Base ).