I’m trying to export a mesh containing 27-node Lagrange Hexahedron elements using WriteVTK, but I can’t seem to get the node ordering correct.
Another ParaView user suggested I get the ordering from ParaView by going to Sources>Data Objects>Unstructured Cell Types
and then generating a Lagrange Hexahedron with cell order of 2, and then turn on the point ID’s using Edit>Find Data
. This produces the following:
However, when I export my mesh with WriteVTK using this numbering scheme it produces the following for a single HEX27:
One issue I see is that the numbering in the .vtu file generated by WriteVTK seems to have a different numbering pattern from what ParaView is saying is the order in the other plot above. I’ve tried several permutations to see if I can get it to work but no luck yet.
If someone could confirm if the second-order Lagrange Hexahedron does in fact work for WriteVTK that would be my first request. Then, if it does, if someone could clarify what the proper order of the nodes should be that would be most helpful.