Wrapping VapourSynth with Clang

I am a newbie in Julia, VapourSynth, wrapping C libraries, … so what could go wrong? After this disclaimer:

As the title says, I am trying to wrap VapourSynth.h using Clang.jl. I am looking for inspiration in SunDials and the examples.

So far, so good. After running the script, I get the error:

└ @ Clang.wrap_c ~/.julia/packages/Clang/FPdiV/src/wrap_c.jl:651
┌ Warning: Not wrapping Clang.cindex.InclusionDirective   bits/types.h
└ @ Clang.wrap_c ~/.julia/packages/Clang/FPdiV/src/wrap_c.jl:651
┌ Warning: Not wrapping Clang.cindex.InclusionDirective   bits/stdint-uintn.h
└ @ Clang.wrap_c ~/.julia/packages/Clang/FPdiV/src/wrap_c.jl:651
┌ Warning: Not wrapping Clang.cindex.InclusionDirective   bits/types.h
└ @ Clang.wrap_c ~/.julia/packages/Clang/FPdiV/src/wrap_c.jl:651
[ Info: Error thrown. Last cursor available in Clang.wrap_c.debug_cursors
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching replace(::String, ::String, ::String)
Closest candidates are:
  replace(::String, !Matched::Pair{#s55,B} where B where #s55<:AbstractChar; count) at strings/util.jl:414
  replace(::String, !Matched::Pair{#s52,B} where B where #s52<:Union{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractChar,N} where N}, Set{#s49} where #s49<:AbstractChar, AbstractArray{#s50,1} where #s50<:AbstractChar}; count) at strings/util.jl:419
  replace(::String, !Matched::Pair; count) at strings/util.jl:423
 [1] wrap(::WrapContext, ::DataStructures.OrderedDict{Symbol,Clang.wrap_c.ExprUnit}, ::Clang.cindex.MacroDefinition) at /home/jose/.julia/packages/Clang/FPdiV/src/wrap_c.jl:617
 [2] wrap_header(::WrapContext, ::Clang.cindex.TranslationUnit, ::String, ::Array{Any,1}) at /home/jose/.julia/packages/Clang/FPdiV/src/wrap_c.jl:690
 [3] run(::WrapContext) at /home/jose/.julia/packages/Clang/FPdiV/src/wrap_c.jl:807
 [4] top-level scope at none:0
in expression starting at /home/jose/src/julia/vapoursynth/wrap_vapoursynth.jl:61

The script so far looks like this:

#using Clang.cindex
using Clang.wrap_c

#topcu = cindex.parse_header("./vapoursynth/include/VapourSynth.h")
#data = children(topcu)

#=context = wrap_c.init(; output_file="vapoursynth.jl"
                      , header_library=x->"<packagename>"
                      , common_file="vapoursynth_h.jl"
                      , clang_diagnostics=true )
#wrap_c.wrap_c_headers(context, ["./vapoursynth/include/cython/vapoursynth.h"])

#const outpath = normpath(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "..", "new"))
const outpath = normpath(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "new"))
#header = "./vapoursynth/include/VapourSynth.h"

# Clang Location
const clang_path = "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.1/" # change to your clang location
const clang_includes = [
    joinpath(clang_path, "include"),

#const incpath = "./vapoursynth/include"
const incpath = normpath(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "vapoursynth", "include"))

function julia_file(header::AbstractString)
    src_name = basename(dirname(header))
    if src_name == "sundials"
        src_name = "libsundials" # avoid having both Sundials.jl and sundials.jl
    return joinpath(outpath, string(src_name, ".jl"))
function library_file(header::AbstractString)
    header_name = basename(header)
    #if startswith(header_name, "nvector")
    #    return "libsundials_nvecserial"
    return "libvapoursynth"#string("libvapoursynth_", basename(dirname(header)))

const contxt = wrap_c.init(
    common_file = joinpath(outpath, "types_and_consts.jl"),
    #=clang_args = [
        "-D", "__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS",
        "-D", "__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS",
    clang_diagnostics = true,
    clang_includes = [clang_includes; incpath],
    header_outputfile = julia_file,
    header_library = library_file,
#contxt.headers = ["./vapoursynth/include/VSHelper.h"] 
contxt.headers = ["./vapoursynth/include/VapourSynth.h"]

Any suggestion?

Thanks for your help.

PR submitted: Another upgrading oversight -- replace by Gnimuc · Pull Request #201 · JuliaInterop/Clang.jl · GitHub

Please feel free to file an issue if you encounter any other problems.