I built, and tried to run, CxxWrap with the latest (github) version of Julia, Version 1.9.0-DEV.1189 (2022-08-26). I could build the example “testlib.cpp”, but ran into two problems:
- the structure doesn’t seem to be wrapped correctly: I get
C++ exception while wrapping module XXX: invalid subtyping in definition of MyStruct with supertype Any
ERROR: LoadError: invalid subtyping in definition of MyStruct with supertype Any
- If I comment out the MyStruct line, I can compile and load the module; but the function greet() returning a string does not return a printable string, but rather a pointer:
julia> XXX.greet()
ConstCxxPtr{CxxChar}(Ptr{CxxChar} @0x000000010d546e3a)