Workshop Julia for numerical problems in quantum and solid-state physics

Dear all

together with @antoine-levitt (Université Paris-Saclay) and @juthohaegeman (Ghent University) we are organising a workshop at CECAM in Lausanne, Switzerland from 26th until 28th November 2024.

The workshop will be about the interaction between Julia, numerical methods and quantum physics. We will have people from the HPC side of Julia, from maths (tensors, linear algebra, numerical analysis) and various quantum communities. There will also be some time for joint hacking on the last day.

The conference is free of charge and we will offer accommodation at a reduced cost (precise cost depends on budgeting and is to be finalised).

For more details and to register see Registration deadline is the 20th September, but the earlier you register, the easier it becomes for us to plan things :smile:.

Many thanks and all the best
Antoine, Jutho and Michael