I am working with a family of models, which have certain properties, lets call them statenames
and obsnames
. Many of these are shared between models, so it would be nice to reuse them. Models are mapped to types in my code. I would like to query these properties for the types.
So I thought I would use abstract types like this:
abstract AbstractModel{S,O}
abstract FiveStateModel
statenames(::Type{FiveStateModel}) = (:NL,:NM,:NH,:EM,:EH)
abstract ObservedEUH
obsnames(::Type{ObservedEUH}) = (:E,:U,:H)
immutable SimpleModel1{T <: Real} <: AbstractModel{FiveStateModel, ObservedEUH}
Now I want
to return (:NL,:NM,:NH,:EM,:EH)
. If types were covariant, I could use
statenames{S,O}(::Type{AbstractModel{S,O}}) = statenames(S)
obsnames{S,O}(::Type{AbstractModel{S,O}}) = obsnames(O)
but since they are not, I am using
statenames{S,O}(::AbstractModel{S,O}) = statenames(S)
obsnames{S,O}(::AbstractModel{S,O}) = obsnames(O)
and have to instantiate a SimpleModel1
, eg
Is there a workaround that would allow me to solve this in type-space?