How to design to keep types inferrable?

My program precomputes some matrices, then operates on them. During the computation, it may turn out that some of the matrices are Diagonal, etc. However, I do not know the structure ahead of time, and once pre-computed, the matrices are operated on iteratively. Currently I have a type that looks like:

struct MyModel
model = MyModel([Diagonal([1.0; 2.0]), [1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0]]) 

and I have a function that looks like (simplified for brevity):

solve(m::MyModel) = m.mats[1] * m.mats[2]

The type can’t be inferred in this case, so the recommended recourse is to use a function barrier:

solve(m::MyModel) = solve(m.mats[1], m.mats[2])
solve(m1::AbstractMatrix, m2::AbstractMatrix) = m1 * m2

However, with this formulation of MyModel, there is no way to run solve on the top-level model while getting a type-stable output.

Is this good enough? I’m wondering if there is a better way to set up MyModel so that there are no abstract types in its definition, but I can still be fully expressive. What is the typical way to solve this problem? Would a Union of the types I expect help?

If the matrixes are big enough that storing them sparsely is faster than storing them densely (e.g. forcibly just converting them to Matrix{Float64} in the mats Vector), then you probably don’t need to worry about the speed of dispatch. I would write whatever is clearer / easier to write, then use @profile (from the stdlib using Profile package) to see if it’s a bottleneck, before try to make optimizations.

You could do something like this

import Base.push!

struct MyModel{T <: Number}

MyModel() = MyModel( Vector{Matrix{Float64}}(), Vector{Diagonal{Float64}}() )

push!(m:: MyModel,mat::Matrix{T})   where T <: Number = push!(m.mats,mat)
push!(m:: MyModel,mat::Diagonal{T}) where T <: Number = push!(m.diag_mats,mat)

model = MyModel() 
push!(model,Diagonal([1.0; 2.0])) 
push!(model,[1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0])

solve(m::MyModel) = m.mats[1] * m.diag_mats[1]

But I don’t know if you could then write your solve function in a nice way. You could use meta-programming to deal with larger number of matrix types.

It is not clear to me

  1. Whether you have two, or that was just for the MWE and you have more matrices, or even a large number.
  2. If all of them are of the same type.

If they are the same type, you can use a T<: AbstractVector{<: AbstractMatrix} for mats, which could ideally be a concrete type. This can cope with a large number of matrices.

If they are of a heterogeneous type, but not too many of them, you could use a Tuple.

If solve is inherently not type stable, you could perhaps break it up into functions so that some components are. But I second @jameson’s point: not everything can and need to be type stable to be fast. Occasional high level dynamic dispatch is very useful, eg look at the implementation of \ for matrices. Did you actually benchmark your code and establish that dynamic dispatch is a bottleneck?

Thanks for the replies everyone, all the responses helped clarify the possible choices I have. I will continue using what writes nicest for now (the high-level dynamic dispatch), then profile the code and test both a dense representation and something like @jonathanBieler wrote.

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