Title: Performance Issues with Enzyme Autodiff in Julia Code
I am new to Enzyme. When I run this sample code, the autodiff function is taking a lot of time. Where am I going wrong?
using Enzyme
function Convec_diffuse_derivative(phi_state, U_state, V_state, dx, dy, nu)
# Find the 2D convection diffusion derivative using first order upwind
m, n = size(phi_state);
der_state = zeros(m, n);
for i = 2:(m - 1), j = 2:(n - 1)
# Let us define some quantities of interest
U = U_state[i, j];
V = V_state[i, j];
dx_f = dx[i];
dx_b = dx[i - 1];
dy_f = dy[j];
dy_b = dy[j - 1];
phi_c = phi_state[i, j];
phi_e = phi_state[i + 1, j];
phi_w = phi_state[i - 1, j];
phi_n = phi_state[i, j + 1];
phi_s = phi_state[i, j - 1];
# Now writing the advection terms
con_x = 0.0;
if U > 0.0
con_x = U * (phi_c - phi_w) / dx_b;
elseif U < 0.0
con_x = U * (phi_e - phi_c) / dx_f;
con_y = 0.0;
if V > 0.0
con_y = V * (phi_c - phi_s) / dy_b;
elseif v < 0.0
con_y = V * (phi_n - phi_c) / dy_f;
# Now writing the diffusive terms
dphidx_e = (phi_e - phi_c) / dx_f;
dphidx_w = (phi_c - phi_w) / dx_b;
D_xx = (dphidx_e - dphidx_w) / (0.5 * (dx_f + dx_b));
# Now using both the terms
dphidy_n = (phi_n - phi_c) / dy_f;
dphidy_s = (phi_c - phi_s) / dy_b;
D_yy = (dphidy_n - dphidy_s) / (0.5 * (dy_f + dy_b));
der_state[i, j] = nu * (D_xx + D_yy) - con_x - con_y;
return der_state;
function Euler_integrator(phi, timestep, U_vel, V_vel, dx, dy, nu)
d_phi = timestep * Convec_diffuse_derivative(phi, U_vel, V_vel, dx, dy, nu);
return phi + d_phi;
function RK4_integrator(phi, timestep, U_vel, V_vel, dx, dy, nu)
k1 = Convec_diffuse_derivative(phi, U_vel, V_vel, dx, dy, nu);
k2 = Convec_diffuse_derivative(phi + 0.5 * timestep * k1, U_vel, V_vel, dx, dy, nu);
k3 = Convec_diffuse_derivative(phi + 0.5 * timestep * k2, U_vel, V_vel, dx, dy, nu);
k4 = Convec_diffuse_derivative(phi + timestep * k3, U_vel, V_vel, dx, dy, nu);
K = (timestep / 6.0) * (k1 + k4 + 2 * (k2 + k3))
return phi + K
# Now let us test the solver
# Let us write the meshgrid_function
function mesh_grid_ij(x, y)
m = length(x);
n = length(y);
xx = zeros(Float64, m, n);
yy = zeros(Float64, m, n);
# Now looping for populating the values
for i = 1:m
yy[i, :] .= y;
for j = 1:n
xx[:, j] .= x;
return xx, yy;
function init_state(xx, yy, phi)
m, n = size(phi)
phi_init = zeros(m, n)
# We want a part of the phi to be non zeros
case1 = xx .< 0.75;
case2 = xx .> 0.25;
case3 = yy .< 0.85;
case4 = yy .> 0.25;
cases = case1 .& case2 .& case3 .& case4;
phi_init[cases] .= 2.0;
return copy(phi_init);
x = [i for i = 0:0.01:1]
y = [i for i = 0:0.01:2]
dx = x[2:end] - x[1:end - 1]
dy = y[2:end] - y[1:end - 1]
xx, yy = mesh_grid_ij(x, y);
phi = zeros(Float64, length(x), length(y));
dphi = zeros(Float64, length(x), length(y));
curr_phi = init_state(xx, yy, phi);
nu = 0.0;
n_iter = 1000;
timestep = 1e-4;
function simulation(omega, xx, yy, curr_phi, ind_x, ind_y, nu, n_iter, timestep)
uu = (-1.0 * omega) * yy
vv = (1.0 * omega) * xx
phi = zeros(Float64, length(x), length(y));
# Let us define the simulation parameters
for i = 1:n_iter
curr_phi = Euler_integrator(curr_phi, timestep, uu, vv, dx, dy, nu)
return curr_phi[ind_x, ind_y]
val = simulation(3.0, xx, yy, curr_phi, 40, 40, nu, n_iter, timestep)
# First finding the gradient using autodiff
result = first(autodiff(Reverse, simulation, Active, Active(3.0), Const(xx), Const(yy), Duplicated(curr_phi, dphi), Const(40), Const(40), Const(nu), Const(n_iter), Const(timestep)))
# Now finding out the gradient manually
result = (simulation(3.0 + 0.0001, xx, yy, curr_phi, 40, 40, nu, n_iter, timestep) - simulation(3.0, xx, yy, curr_phi, 40, 40, nu, n_iter, timestep)) / 0.0001