I’ve been porting some code from Python to Julia and it runs much slower than in Python. I’ve copied the function which is slowest below. This function takes ~3-4 seconds which itself is not horrible but I need to call this function thousands of times so I would like it to be quicker. In Python the code is ~10-20x faster.
I used the @time functionally and noticed that the memory allocation was MUCH higher than I would have expected:
3.723173 seconds (29.16 M allocations: 1.746 GiB, 6.48% gc time)
The two arrays passed to this function times and q_actual are 50x1 vectors of floats. I’m not really certain what the culprit is. I suspect defining the loss function inside of the main function is causing some issues but I do not know how to define it in a way where it still has access to the local variable “prob”.
On the other hand doing 500 iterations of an optimization solver might just take 4 seconds. Or using global variables like INTEGRATOR might be slow. I do not know. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
function get_params(x0, v0, mass, param_guess, times, q_actual)
#Define ODE for Equations of Motion prob = ODEProblem(newtons_eqns!, [x0;v0], (0.0,times[end]), param_guess) function loss(params,_) sol = solve(remake(prob, p=params), INTEGRATOR, saveat = times) if size(sol)[2] == size(q_actual)[1] #aparently this allows loss to still be AD compatible loss = sum([abs2(sol.u[i][1] - q_actual[i]) for i in 1:length(q_actual)]) #only take positions return loss else return Inf end end adtype = Optimization.AutoZygote() optf = Optimization.OptimizationFunction(loss, adtype) optprob = Optimization.OptimizationProblem(optf, param_guess) result_ode = Optimization.solve(optprob, OPTIMIZER, maxiters = 500, allow_f_increases = true) #Add local minimizer to polish off minimum optprob2 = Optimization.OptimizationProblem(optf, result_ode.u) result_ode2 = Optimization.solve(optprob2, BFGS(), maxiters = 30, allow_f_increases=true) return result_ode2.u