Why the performance varies greatly after @view?

I focus on the following code’s efficient, and I use the TimerOutputs to measure the performance.

using TimerOutputs
const to = TimerOutput()
abstract type AbstractSN end
    struct spi <: AbstractSN
        pq_codebook::Array{<:AbstractFloat, 3} 
        pq_codes::Array{<:Integer, 2} 

        vq_codebook::Array{<:AbstractFloat, 2}
        vq_codes::Array{<:Integer, 1} 

    function search_neighbors(spi::AbstractSN, q::Vector{<:AbstractFloat}, num_centroid_tosearch::Int, topk::Int)
        @timeit to "coarse_search" index,scores_v = coarse_search(spi, q, num_centroid_tosearch)
        @timeit to "id_indexed" ids,scores_vq = id_indexed(spi, index, scores_v)                

        @timeit to "compute_table" lookuptable = compute_table(spi.pq_codebook, q) # (M,Ks)
        @timeit to "ex1" pq_codes_ids = spi.pq_codes[ids,:]
        @timeit to "compute_scores_" scores_pq = compute_scores_(lookuptable, pq_codes_ids)
        @timeit to "ex2" scores = scores_vq + scores_pq;                
        @timeit to "ex3" len_s = length(scores);
        @timeit to "ex4" if topk > len_s
            i_ = maxk!(scores, len_s)
            ids_ = ids[i_]
            ids_ = [ids_;repeat([0],topk - len_s)] 
            i_ = maxk!(scores, topk)
            ids_ = ids[i_]        
        return ids_


You may don’t know the implementation of each methods above. To ease your reading burden, let’s look at the time evaluation first, I will fill in the details later.

I notice I should have used @view in the line “ex1”.

After I use the @view, there was an unexpected result.

I don’t know why the time of "compute_scores_ " increases so much.

The following is the codes of compute_scores_ and id_indexed

    function compute_scores_(lookuptable::Array{Float64,2}, pq_codes::AbstractArray{Int,2})
        n, M = size(pq_codes);
        scores = zeros(n);
        for i = 1:n
            s_ = 0;
            for j = 1:M
                @inbounds s_ = s_ + lookuptable[j, pq_codes[i,j]];
            scores[i] = s_;
        return scores    

    function id_indexed(spi::AbstractSN, index::SubArray{Int64, 1}, scores_v::Vector{<:AbstractFloat})
        ids = [] 
        scores_vq = []
        for (i,s) in zip(index,scores_v)
            id_i = spi.id_index_table[i]  # spi.id_index_table::Dict{Int64,Vector{Int64}}
            ids = [ids;id_i]
            len = length(id_i)
            scores_vq = [scores_vq;repeat([s],len)]
        ids = convert(Array{Int64,1}, ids)
        scores_vq = convert(Array{Float64,1}, scores_vq)
        return ids, scores_vq

If you have any other suggestions for improving performance, please let me know.
Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.

This isn’t terribly surprising to me. The difference between regular indexing and a view is that the former immediately copies all the selected rows into a new array whereas the latter just lazily holds onto the indices and does the lookup when it needs to.

You still need to do the lookup at some point. How much of an effect this has depends upon what kind of indices you use, your access patterns, and more. In this case, you’re selecting rows out of a huge array with a (potentially unsorted) list of arbitrary indices. This is likely causing all sorts of cache misses — and it’s those cache misses that are likely responsible for the 25 seconds worth of runtime whether you do it immediately or lazily.

Are the pq_codes_ids sorted? Could you sort them?


@mbauman How can I sort pq_codes_ids ? I try to sort the ids, which seems not to work.

    function search_neighbors(spi::AbstractSN, q::Vector{<:AbstractFloat}, num_centroid_tosearch::Int, topk::Int)
        @timeit to "coarse_search" index,scores_v = coarse_search(spi, q, num_centroid_tosearch)
        @timeit to "id_indexed" ids, scores_vq = id_indexed(spi, index, scores_v)  

        ix_ = sortperm(ids)
        ids = ids[ix_]
        scores_vq = scores_vq[ix_]        

        # ids = 1:length(scores_vq)  # It will help reduce compute_scores_ time
        # ids = convert(Array{Int64,1}, ids)

        @timeit to "compute_table" lookuptable = compute_table(spi.pq_codebook, q) # (M,Ks)
        @timeit to "ex1" pq_codes_ids = @view spi.pq_codes[ids,:]
        @timeit to "compute_scores_" scores_pq = compute_scores_(lookuptable, pq_codes_ids)