I am trying to plot a heatmap in a polar plot like so:
contourf(deg2rad.(collect((0:360))),deg2rad.(collect(0:1:85)), B, aspect_ratio=:equal, proj=:polar, color=:viridis, alpha=0.5)
But I get a tiny little figure
Why is that? And how can I fix it? Thank you!
Hi RBraghiere,
Did you make any progress with this? I have the same issue. e.g.
using Plots pyplot() using PyPlot X = range(1,stop=100,length=100) Y = range(1,stop=100,length=100) Z = rand(100,100) h1 = heatmap( X,Y, Z, proj=:polar )
Does anyone have any ideas?
Just bumping this up in case anyone else is having the same issue or has any ideas? I still haven’t found a solution
This should be fixed in Plots >= v1.7.2 (https://github.com/JuliaPlots/Plots.jl/pull/3088).
Thank you!